I'm a freak on a leash

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Sometimes you put a muzzle on me,you put a leash on me, please just let me take my pain away . I feel like a freak on a leash sometimes it's hard for me to say it'll be better tomorrow . people look at me and you and call  us emo's. without seeing the fallen Angeles we are they see us as people who care for no one . but don't see that we once cared too much and that hurt us . they see us as cutters and burners . but don't see that we are trying to remind ourselves that we are still alive that we are human. They look at me and you down the halls and make fun of us call us names without having walked in our shoes for one day. They never try and look past the eyeliner and black nail . they don't realize the mental torture we go through each day. They don't see the reason we put up these walls around us is because we want to see who cares enough to break them down. I feel like a freak on a leash . will you please take it off and let's be fallen Angeles together?

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