achilles heel

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im forced to deal with what is real

the silence you give me has no appeal

there is no distraction make me feel

and i ask myself what is real

cuz love is my achilles heel

i will confront my fears

they'll go up with the bottle and go down with the beer

and once this becomes all clear.

i will feel a car crashing or will it be my passion snapping

and then my sanity will come back clapping

and then and then the doctors will be stitching up our seems on every broken promise that your body couldn't keep.

and i think you got to stay away from here

there are thoughts in here

please listen my deer they crawl in my head through my ears

they say silly things about you like you care even though you disappeared

cuz to you love is as easy to get from an auctioneer

but you just got mine with your sneers  

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