Chapter 1

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[10 years later]

Sierra's P.O.V.

"Sierra are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" asked my mom. She was about to leave on a two-week vacation, leaving me on my own.

"I'll be fine," I assured her, giving her a quick hug.

"Alright, goodbye," she said.

"Bye!" I replied, and she walked out the door, closing it behind her. As soon as her car pulled out of the driveway, I began to plan what I would do. What I loved to do the most was solve mysteries, so I quickly did a search online for anything strange that had been happening recently. I quickly found something that caught my eye: over the past several weeks, 10 people had been reported missing. I closed my eyes, concentrating, and I clearly saw city hall building. Ever since that night 10 years ago, I've been able to see small visons, things that would give me quick glimpses of what I was looking for. They were almost always right, so I decided to go to City Hall.

Getting in was easy. That gold light from the poliece box on that night had given me quite a few extraordinary abilities. As I said before, I sometimes get visons, and I have a photographic memory. I have a bit of telekinesis, but I could only move small objects with my mind. I can't exactly read people's minds, but I can know what thoughts are on their mind at the moment, which makes me pretty good a knowing how a person might be feeling. I can also, well, not necesarily control people's minds, but I am able to place ideas into peoples heads, which makes me extremely persuasive, and sometimes I can even mentally cominicate with other people. And finally, I can understand almost every language, including some animal dialects. Anyway, I was able to convince the security guards to let me in, and I set up some tiny cameras. Then I hid in the closet, watching the cameras from my iPad. For a few moments, nothng happened, but then two men walked into an office and closed the door. It seemed nothing out of the ordinary at first, but then they grabbed something on their foreheads beneath their hair and seemed to cut a slit in their foreheads. They then pulled their entire face back, revealing beneath the most alien face that I had ever seen. They spoke in a strange language that I had never heard, but I somehow understood it. They peeled their entire skin of, revealing large, green bodies underneath. My heart pounded in my chest as I wondered what these creatures could be. The word "Slitheen" popped into my mind. They were obviously not of this world, possibly from some planet thousands of light years away. My first instinct was to run, but my second was to stay put and record more information on these creatures. I doubted that they were harmless, based on the human skins that now lay at their feet, so people would need to know about them. Suddenly, the two creatures began to put the human skins back on. They would soon leave the office, passing the closet in which I was hiding. Though the logical part of me was telling me that they would have no way of knowing that I was here, my instincts told me otherwise. And my number one rule was to always ALWAYS trust my instincts. But I broke that rule, and stayed in the closet. As the two creatures walked out of the office, now disguised as humans, they began to sniff the air, as if they could smell me. Then the thought occured to me that they probably COULD smell me, and I had made a huge mistake in ignoring my instincts. I knew that I now had two options: either run for my life, or stay and be discovered. I chose to run for my life, slamming the closet door open in the creatures' faces. As I sprinted down the hall, I realized that I had dropped my iPad. One look at it and they would know that I had been watching them. They began to chase me, and soon others that I assumed were creatures like them joined the chase. I ran out the doors, with six or seven surprisingly fast alien creatures chasing after me. It was then, as I was running for my life, that I saw it for the second time in my life. The blue poliece box. It was sitting atop a hill about 100 yards away. The man that I had seen before was walking out of it, and a girl of about 25 years old was following him. He looked exactly the same, down to the bowtie. The girl on the otherhand, I did not recognise. She had brown hair, and was somewhat short. I knew that I couldn't outrun those creatures, and the poliece box was too far away for me to yell for help, so I concentrated as hard as I could on the man and mentally sent out a cry for help. He replied,

'What is going on? Who are you?' I did my best to explain the situation, and he thought, 'Slitheen!'

'What are Slitheen?' I asked.

'They're a criminal family from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius,' he replied.

'Are they dangerous?'

'Extremely. But they might not kill you right away since they wouldn't be able to use your skin. But they would kill you eventually. But more importantly: how are we even able to communicate? It's impossible for a human to telepathically begin a conversation with a timelord. Are you even human?'

'Yes, I'm human, and I'll explain everything while I'm not running for my life!'

'Right, yes, sorry. Would you happen to have any vinegar with you?'

'Why the hell would I carry vinegar with me!? I hate vinegar!!'

'Well, it was worth a shot. The Slitheens' only known weakness is vinegar. I'll grab some and be right down.' Just then, oneof the Slitheen grabbed me from behind.


'How do you know my name?'

'This isn't the time for that!' The Slitheen had surrounded me.

"Have you been watching us, girl?" asked one of them. I didn't answer, but it was written all over my face. "Well, we can't have that, now can we?" One of them farted, and I wrinkled my nose.

"That is disgusting," I said. Several of them laughed, but didn't reply. They began to drag me back to city hall. "You'll regret this," I said.

"And why is that?" asked one of the Slitheen, laughing.

"Because my friend is coming," I did my best to sound confident. Thet laughed again.

"And who is your friend?" one of them asked.

"The Doctor." They stopped, and they all turned to look at me.

"You lie," said one, squinting its eyes at me, but I could see fear in its face.

"I speak the truth," I said, "and he has... um... vinegar!" I was unsure of how the Slitheen would react. Many of them hissed or bared their teeth, while others whimpered. I guess the Doctor was right about vinegar being their weakness. "Yes!" I said, "he has vinegar! So you should let me go! And... leave this planet! Yes! Or the Doctor will... destroy you with his powerful vinegar!" The Slitheen began to mutter to eachother. I held my breath, knowing that their decision would determine my fate.

"We have decided that you must be lying!" said one of the Slitheen. "We have also decided to kill you, to destroy any evidence that we are here!" I cursed to myself. I glanced at the hill, where the TARDIS was still sitting.

"Hurry up, Doctor," I murmured. The Slitheen closest to me grabbed what looked like a zipper on his forehead and unzipped a slit accrost it, just as I had watched the other two do. It tookoff the human skin that it was wearing, and loomed over me, atleast 8 feet tall. It raised it's pinser-like arm above my head.

"Where's that Doctor you mentioned?" It laughed. It grabbed me with its other pinser, and I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pinser to slice thtough my body. But instead, I heard a strange sizzeling sound. I opened my eyes, and saw the Doctor, holding several bottles of vinegar, and his compainion with several more.

"Did someone call for a Doctor?" he asked. The Slitheen that was holding me loosened its grip, and I wriggled free. "I will give you one chance," said the Doctor, "leave this planet and find another. I promise to never bother you." The Slitheen sneered. They all began tp open the slits in their foreheads, taking off their human skins. They all bared their teeth at the Doctor.

"We shall not leave this planet," said one of them. They all lunged at him. Befor they could kill him, though, he had opened all of the vinegar bottles and poured them on the Slitheen, his copmanion doing the same.

"Well then," he said, turning to me, "I'm the Doctor. Who are you?"


Sorry I haven't been updating! I've just been really busy, with school work and finals, but I promise I'll update more often now, since school is out


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