Chapter 5

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Jack POV
I came out from behind Mark I was scared to think that maybe I was gonna get Jumped or yelled at but it was the opposite. I slowly came out from behind Mark the kid that called me 'a worthless piece of shit.' The the other day put out a hand for me to shake,
"I'm wade sorry for the other day by the way." I shook his hand.
"I'm Jack."
"I'm Bob."
"I'm cry."
"I'm, Well you know me."
"Yes I do felix." We all laugh and they all said,
"Welcome to the group!" This was awesome to have friends.
"I.. uh need to use the restroom." I said.
They all nodded. I walked to the restroom and gripped my razor I looked at it and threw it away. Even though it was my last one because the rest from my house had disappeared. I looked at my arms still had scratches I sighed and pulled the sleeves down and walked out when suddenly I was thrown against a wall. The person was tall and had brown eyes and blue hair. His face was covered in acne.
"Its the little guy who has a crush on my Mark."
He said. The temptation to spit in his face was high but that might just get me in more of a pickle.
"Who are you?" I grunted out trying to get away but failing.
"Oh me? You won't need to know who I am considering your going to be dead soon."
"No I'm not you dick!"
"Oh you don't belive me?" He pulled a knife out of his back pocket.
"We're in school!" I grunted
"Who cares?" He put the knife up to my neck and put pressure.
"Say Goodbye." Then he got thrown to the side. I was on the ground coughing gaining my composer back when I realized my neck was bleeding the cut wasnt deep but it was bleeding. I looked to see Mark on top of the blue haired boy.
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME MARK?!" Ethan yelled back.
"BECAUSE YOU WANTED ME 24/7 I CAN'T AND DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU! I HAVE MY OWN STUFF TO WORRY ABOUT!" Mark yelled and I guess that hurt Ethan's feelings because he gave up on fighting back. A teacher broke them up and took the knife Mark got a two day suspension for fighting witch wasn't good for me because Mark was my best friend Ethan got a month of in school suspension for attempted murder with police guarding him everywhere he went. I started to think about Mark's offer of letting me move in with him. I should take it get away from my parents but then again they would probably try to find me. I decide I would take the offer. Then I was pulled from my thoughts buy someone lifting me up bridal style I was put in an ambulance. I saw nothing but black after that. I slowly started to see a light. Oh God am I dead?
"Oh sir your awake?!"
"More like I'm alive." I said sitting up. The male doctor chuckled,
"Yes you are alive."
"Why do I have a headache and why am I here?"
"Your here because someone tried to murder you but only got through few layers of skin it's not enough to leave a scar it will heal in a few days your headache is because of you sleeping for so long. Also Sean you have a visitor." He opened the door and Mark walked in he looked at me he looked like he had been crying. He looked so happy to see me.
"Jack sorry but I had to lie and say I was your brother in order to get in here your parents are on their way." He blurted out. I nodded hoping I was gonna get out of here soon.
"How long have I been here?"
"Since this morning."
"Okay so not long." I said.
"Yeah you should be out by later tonight." Mark said.
"The guys are all waiting to." He said pointing his thumb toward the door.
"Okay Mr. Fishbach you may leave now." The nurse said. Just like that Mark was gone.
"Okay Sean we just need to do a check up then you can leave."
"Okay miss." I said smiling
After the check up we all left. Going to Mark's house.
"Mark could I talk to you? Alone? Please?"
"Sure Jack." He said standing from his bed.
"What is it Jack?"
"I want to take up on that offer of moving in with you."
"Oh? Okay. We will buy you new things that way you never have to go back." Okay.

~●~●The Next day~●~●

Jack's POV
I woke up to the door bell I went to go answer it just to see my mom there at the door. She looked to see if anyone was inside. Then she started crying?
"Mom what the fuck are you doing?"
"Sean I'm sorry... but I don't like to see what your father does I just can't get out of this relationship and if I laugh at hi beating you I don't get beat my self. I know you hurt your self and I hate it!" She cried and I couldn't help but feel bad I hugged her she sniffles
"thanks baby. But I gotcha Now bitch." She didn't let go of the hug and I screamed she started dragging me toward a car. Mark jumped on her and pushed her off me he must of woke up when I screamed. He grabbed me and pulled me inside locking the door behind him he dragged me into a room with black foam padding on the wall and a camera along with a computer. He went on to a file that said 'security camera footage' he replayed the footage from earlier.
"This will help with the police." He said sounding very serious.

A/N another chapter another nothing lol sorry.
Tell me of I make a Grammar error I will fix it.

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