Chapter 2

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Hey your Jack from the coffee shop. You look different a lot different you look less happy. Sorry about my 'friends' they are asses. Wanna be friends? I'm sure if you become my friend everyone else will like you. I know you have scars Jack. Your hiding them from people. You shouldn't be tho. I can help you Jack that is if you need help. What's going on? I'm concerned.


He asks to many questions. Why is he so concerned? I thought To my self. Why would he be so concerned of me the boy that doesn't matter. I walk to my next class I see Jocks witch isnt good but a ton of people staring at me like I had just dyed my hair neon green. They all looked disgusted even tho I had a sweatshirt on.  The teacher made me introduce my self to them like the last class and almost every class that day Mr.Colens for math okay he seemed pretty cool. I was working on my homework because I had already Finished the assignment when I get hit with a paper ball in the back of my head I just ignored it but it happened again I turn around say stop to the boys laughing. I go back to my work and it happens again I turn around and say "please stop." I look back at my work and it happens again this time I'm done being fucking nice I stand up turn around slowly and walk toward the "Fucking Stop! I am not afraid to get suspended for fucking you up!" I said in a low voice really close to them. The teacher noticed and asked me, "Jack are Felix and his friends bothering you?" I look at him then at who I assume was Felix blond hair blue eyes. I finally reply with "No." He nodded and looked me up and down, "get back to your seat then please." I walked back to my seat and got my work done. After class I walked to my locker to see Mark in the locker next to mine. Before I was able to make it to my locker I hear someone call my name,
"JACK!" I turn around to see Felix. He stops in front of me and asks
"Why didn't you get us in trouble?" I roll my eyes.
"Because that would mean getting kicked out of class witch wouldn't be to bad for you guys so I decided to let you guys suffer in class instead of being sent to the office." I replied walking away before he could respond.
"Thank you." I stop in my tracks and say,
"What?" Through clenched teeth.
"Thank you my mother would have my ass if I got kicked out of class."
"Oh okay. Your welcome." Did I just save someone from getting beat by their mother? Well OK than.

~●~●TIME SKIP~●~●

After school I walked home with the Jocks on the other side of the street damn they live pretty close to me. Who ever lives there. I walk inside to be greeted with my parents. Oh boy here we go.
"Look pretty boy is home." He spat at me.
"Pretty boy needs a punishment." My mother said chuckling. My father picked me up by the neck and slammed me against a wall coughing while I was on the ground tears coming out of my eyes and falling onto my ripped jeans a few landing on my cuts on my thighs he picked me up again this time choking me while holding me against a wall punching me in the gut over and over. I coughed up blood and almost blacked out but I was released and just like last my mother laughing and both leaving this time they left the door open and their tires shrieked.

I heard tires shriek from a few blocks away. I looked out my window to see which house it came from the guys already left. So I decided to go check it out. I walked to the house and saw the door was wide open I hesitated to open it all the way and I saw a horrifying sight there was blood everywhere and Jack was laying on the ground crying while holding his stomach In a ball.
"JACK OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!" I yelled he looked at me I guess I startled him I walked over and put him in my lap.
"Dude are you okay? Who did this?" He stayed silent I carried him upstairs to I assume is his room it had video games everywhere I set him on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed. He smiled and said,
"Thanks Mark. But I need to clean up that mess."
"No I will do it you stay here." He looked at me confused but settled back into his bed wincing in pain. I smiled and walked out of his room. I cleaned up the mess and ran a bubble bath for Jack. I told him to go take a bath and I helped him get there. I walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind me. I look at my hand that was holding all the razors I could find out of the bathroom. Tossing them in my pocket so I could dispose of them later. As soon as Jack got out I asked him if he wanted to dye his hair.
"Why do you ask Mark?" He said getting water out of his ear.
"Well I plan on going to go get mine dyed tomorrow and thought it would be fun to take someone with me you know?" I smiled.
"OK sure I just don't know what color to get." He said smiling his accent is awesome.
"I think you should get neon green. It would go well with your eyes." I told him with a smile on my face. He nodded and looked at the blank TV I assume looking at himself in it.

To be continued

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