"We're friends?... right?" I asked he looked at me confused
"well duh you doof!" he said and ruffled my hair.
thoughts of suicide
and more
☡you have been warned ☡
lol sorry for this bad book.
I suck at descriptions lol...
Mark POV I woke up and saw Jack in his bed I looked at my phone and looked at the time it was 7 I got up and got dressed and jumped on Jack he instantly woke up and started crying. "Oh oh Jack I'm I'm so Sor-" I got cut off by being hit in the face by a pillow. "Oh really?" I said looking at him sheepishly and I swear the color drained from his face. I got on top of him using one hand to hold his hands down and my knees and legs to hold his legs down I started tickling him ignoring his pleads for freedom. When I got off him he instantly ran to the bathroom I just hope he doesn't hurt himself. As he walked out he was changed and ready to go I got off the bed and stood up . "You ready?" "Yeah." He muttered. "Okay." I said back we put our shoes on and walked out the door. I guess I forgot to tie my shoe because I some how ended up on top of Jack in the hotel hallway. "I-I'm so sorry Ja-" I was cut off by my lips colliding with his. At first I was shocked but I gave in. We stayed like that for a while. He pulled away first but got up and ran I went to go after him but he was gone.
Jack POV I kissed him. Why? I don't know. I ran. I ran so far. I didn't want to be near him right now. I don't know why. I shouldn't of done that. I went to the nearest hardware store. I bought razors. I ran to the park. And I cut my arm 10 times. Then thought. Why not end it? All. Gone. Goner. I'm a goner. Somebody catch my breath. (Please say you got that) Today. I heard footsteps running panic sounding breaths. The I heard his rich deep voice. "Jack?" "What?" "You okay?" "Yes, no" "Jack why didn't you tell me?" "Because Mark. I just want to stay friends." "I'm okay with that Jack but I feel the same." "I'm sure you do... not" "Let's go to that theater Jack" we didn't make any eye contact during that conversation I stared at a tree and he stared at my bleeding body crouching on the ground. I stood up he saw the razors and my arm. We walked to the theater after I hid the razors outside being the person who doesn't want to go to jail. We watch a move called 'IT' Mark tried to hold my hand when I got scared but I pretended not to notice. After the movie ended we walked to the hotel I didn't feel like being here so I grabbed a pair of shorts and went to the pool. I went to the hot tub to calm down. After 10 minuets of being in it someone came and joined me. They noticed my arms and thighs and pointed it out, "Hey emo boy." "I have a name." "Really?" "No." "Well Jack it's great seeing you here." I open my eyes seeing my old best friend Robin. "ROBIN." "I see you have had some problems since you left. What are you doing back and where are your parents." "I'm here on a trip with my best friend. My parents are in LA." "Replaced me already?" "No." "Well sounds like it. Suck his dick yet?" "No and I don't plan to not for a long, long time." "Well Jack that just means you will be a Virgin for a very long, long time." We both laughed I actually laughed. It wasn't fake and wasn't forced. I missed him. "I'm glad we stayed friends after we broke up." He said. "Me too." I nodded. He took my wrist and kissed the cuts. He did that every time I cut. I got out and jumped into the pool him following me. We had a splash fight and the got dressed and went to get some stuff from the vending machine. We walked I to a giant gym that had the balls and stuff in a closet. "I LOVE BALLS!" I yelled in a high pitch voice. "We know Jack!" Robin yelled from a window way up high at the top of the gym. It turned out there was a stair case there. We ate the stuff we got from the vending machine and decided to split. I went back to my room and saw mark asleep on my bed cuddling with a the septic eye I brought again. His cheeks stained with tears and a runny nose making him breath through his mouth. Tiny snores filled the room. I wondered why his face was stained with tears. I kissed his tear stained cheek gently and placed my phone on the bed stand. I laid on marks bed and felt sudden sadness looking at Mark's sleeping face I cried. I cried my self to sleep then I noticed something on Mark's arm. It wasn't his tattoo but a cut... a fucking cut? I kissed his cut and looked around the room for a razor I saw one on the counter he did! It's my fault. I looked at his phone and saw he had a picture of him cutting his legs so many cuts all of his thighs worse then mine... Why. Why? Why? Why? Why? That's all I thought. Why...? Did I do this? Did someone else? Why did he do this? I started to cry thinking about why my senpia was cutting himself like me. Its not okay. It's my fault. Why the hell did I ever talk to him. I shouldn't of gotten him involved. But there was something worse then him cutting. "It was like you were possessed Jack!" He wasn't gonna stop. Mark won't either.
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A/N cough cough sorry not sorry. Welcome this may not be anyone'sfavorite book it's an awful one anti is not gonna be what you think that's just what I'm gonna call it when Jack goes insane and cuts himself and almost kills himself so super suicidal Jack I guess as always tell me of mistakes I'mhuman I make them a lot. Lol anyway bbfn