Why do I have to be so awkward ;-;

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Awkwardness.  It sucks.  So it's new school year.  In all my classes I know everyone I'm pretty sure except a few people.  Now here's a question that makes me uncomfortable,  "do you have a crush?"

Usually one of my friends will ask me and I accidentally say yes or get very quiet.  Of course it's no one from my school...

Also I highly doubt they would like me back.  If that was possible I would pass out and be very confused.  I have a lot of anime crushes ;-;.  It's a serious problem....  I guess I'm not really a person to get in a relationship.  I'm more of one to ship my friends with someone.

Like if my friend gets a boyfriend or tells me his or her crush I feel so happy.  Honestly I know.  I sound really creepy.  Also I threaten people that if they hurt them I will torture them.  Or something like that. 

I don't know.  Well I do have a crush that is an actual person.  Except he's like 10 years older then me ;-;.
Someone:a singer?
No actually it's a really good dancer.  Ahhhhh Ian Eastwood.  He's crazy talented.  Well in my opinion.  I don't know him and I don't live anywhere near him either. 

Anyways I told Billy that he needs to man up and ask Sally out. 


I forgot.  Oh well. 

Why can't anime characters be real.....  Well that would mess up a lot of things to tell the truth. 

I kinda want to delete this book for some reason XD.   It's weird to read all the crap I've ranted about before.  I don't even know why this is a rant.  I was gonna rant about something else but I forgot what it was. 

Bye loves~ Angel

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