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Kalani Hilliker

It's an extremely muggy Saturday morning when I wake up, the thick duvet tangled around my body. My hair hangs in front of my eyes and my eyes are crusty. My entire room is unbearably hot. 

I wonder why there's an odd feeling in my chest, and I sit up, swiping my messy brown hair off of my face. My eyes travel to the calendar on my wall, and I realize that today is actually pretty significant. It's the morning of the first competition of the season. 

I bounce out of bed, putting on my slippers and rushing into my bathroom. While I brush my teeth and make my hair look somewhat less disgusting, I hear the annoying sounds of the city outside my window. Don't get me wrong, I love living in Las Angeles, and I did live in the city before moving to Pittsburgh, but still, the beeping and screaming can get on your nerves after a while. 

The smell of coffee fills my nose and I put my hair up in a slicked back, neat bun, then throw on a a pair of black leggings and a flannel. After making my bed and cleaning up the messy bits of my room, I sling my dance duffel bag over my shoulder and head downstairs. My mother is busy brewing coffee and smearing butter on burnt slices of toast.


Mom turns around and smiles. "Morning, honey?" she cheers. "First competition of the season this weekend!" Her voice cracks, and I stifle a laugh. Her nerves are showing right through the little facade she has. 

"We don't have much time to eat today, so here, have some toast." Mom hands me a slice of burnt bread and my nose crinkles at the smell. "Actually, no. We don't have that time. Just give me that." She leans across the table frantically and yanks the bread out of my hand, throwing it in the trash can by the sink. 

Then, she pours me a cup of coffee in a travel mug and hands it to me. "Grab your bag and let's go, sweetie," she says to me, already heading out the door. I chuckle to myself and follow suit, and I shut the door behind me. My mother is walking, no, running, to the car. I don't realize how late we might be until my phone chimes with a text from my best friend, Maddie. 

Hey Lani! Coming to comp today? Xx Maddie

Smiling, I text back a quick yes, and my mother calls my name impatiently. I laugh and drag my dance bag behind me all the way to the car, climbing in the passenger seat. Mom turns on the car, and, much to our dismay, it stalls. 

"Fuck!" Mom says angrily, pressing the palms of her hands to her forehead. "Ugh, we're totally going to be late. Kalani, I'm going to step out and call Abby. She is not going to like this." Sighing, she gets out of the car and slams the door shut, calling my dance instructor. 

I wait in the car patiently until she gets back with a sour look on her face. 

"How did that go?" I ask her. 

Mom sighs and runs a hand absentmindedly through her hair, trying the car again. This time, it does turn on, and she sighs in relief, pulling out of the parking garage quickly and beginning the ride to Abby Lee Dance Studio. I play on my phone for a little until we finally pull into the parking lot, and I make eye contact with Maddie. 

Maddie looks at me, smiling, and rushes over to the car. I open the door and she immediately engulfs me in a giant hug, giggling. My mom walks away from us and starts conversing with the other moms. 

"I didn't think you were going to come," Maddie laughs. 

"No," I reply. "Of course I would come. My mom's car didn't start at first, so then she called Abby saying we were going to be late, which took ten minutes, so when she got back in the car, it started working."

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