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I'm still filled with guilt and sadness as I trudge my way home. I don't deserve to be here. I shouldn't be here.

I walk slowly home, in a zombie like state. I'm not aware of anything around me.

I decide to do it. I decide that since nobody likes me or even tolerates me anyway, I'd be better off not being here.

I go into my house and swing the door shut. It slams, but I don't flinch do jump, or anything. I slowly walk upstairs, and head into my bathroom.

All my mind is focusing on is the bottle of piankillers in the medicine cabinet.

This is going to be a good day for everyone.
I open the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and begin to cry again. Tears fall down my face and neck and stain my white shirt. My eyes are blurred as I grab a pill bottle.

I pour the blue, round tablets onto my hand. I'm sobbing the whole way through.

I drop the empty pill bottle into the sink and stare in shame at my shaking hand.

This is going to make Lani feel a whole lot better.

My suffering was going to excite her. She'd enjoy it.

I can finally give her what she wants. Maybe I can make it up to her.

So I take one pill.
My eyes blur and I feel a sense of darkness overcoming me. My heard pounds.
My ears are ringing and I hear my mother calling my name. I smirk at the thought of her finding me dead on the ground.

"It's okay, Lani," I whisper. "I'm dead now..."
I try to continue, but words fail me. I sense myself falling slowly onto the ground, and everything turns black.

Everything's okay.

Love you, Kalani.

A/n: Oh, poor baby! Hated writing this chapter because of how sad it was, but still...soon Malani shit coming I promise promise promise!! Want more? Stay tuned babes ❣️

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