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The saddest of sad funeral music plays while people observe Kendall's casket. Some are crying, some are not. Some are smiling at the fond memories.

Me? I'm sitting beside my sister in a puddle of my own misery and tears. I haven't stopped crying since I found out she died. Kenzie is upset, but not nearly as upset as me.

I finally find the courage of look in Kendall's casket. It's open.

I look at Kendall's lifeless body. I try harder than ever to not think about how she died. It's too much to think that because of me, Kalani tried to kill herself, and Kendall did.

I shudde and slowly drift away from the casket. I can't do it. I find Jojo in the crowd with her mom. She's putting on a brave face. Brynn is with her.

I walk over to them and stand beside them awkwardly. Jojo looks at me and smiles.

"Hi," she says, "I'm so sorry for your loss. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

I nod and sniffle. "Thanks, Jojo," i say. I look at Brynn. "How are you guys doing?"

"I'm okay," Brynn says. "I'm in a little shock."

I nod. "I see," I say slowly.

"I'm sad, but I choose to pick out the good times," Jojo says.

"Well, I'm glad to see you guys are holding up okay-ish," I say. Jojo and Brynn nod, to which then is followed by an awkward silence. We stand there for what feels like forever, until the sound of the priest clearing his throat draws our attention.

We all grab seats and and wait for the priest to begin speaking.

"Good morning," the priest says. "Today, we are here to acknowlege the death of 14 year old Kendall Vertes..."

he talks for a while more. Other people talk as well, and soon, the funeral is over.

We all walk out into the cemetery and watch Kendall get buried. Jojo wraps an arm around me. Brynn holds my hand.

A tear slides down my face and I look down at my feet. I'm going to miss her with everything in me.

I look up and wipe away a tear. I won't cry. Kendall would want me to be strong.
It's funny how you take people for granted. I didn't realize how much, in a way, I used Kendall. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it. A knot begins to form and I decide to stop thinking about it.

We all line up to drop flowers onto her gravestone. When it's my turn, I gently get on my knees and stare at the stone.

"Here lies Kendall K Vertes, daughter of two, sister of two, best friend of many. Rest In Peace. You will be remembered And cherished with all of Gods light ."

A chill goes through my spine. I drop my pink roses onto the gravestone and stand up. I dust off my dress and walk back to Jojo and Brynn.

"I'm proud of you, Mads," Jojo says. "You're handling this very well."

"You should have seen me this morning and last night," I tell her. "I was nothing but a crying mess."

"We all grieve in different ways," Brynn says.
I nod.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. Kenzie sticks with mom, and I hang out with Jojo and Brynn. I have never been more grateful for them accepting me.

When we get home, my legs hurt bad I'm exhausted. I flop onto the couch and swing my legs onto it. I don't even take of my jacket.
Kenzie sits in the armchair. "Ugh," she says, "Today was a sad and long day."

"That's right," Mom says from the kitchen. She comes out with a plate of crackers in one hand and a glass of water in another. She sits down on the other couch. She flicks the TV on.

"Cracker?" She asks me. I shake my head. My stomach is too jittery from the funeral to have food.

"I'm just going to go to bed," I say, and before she can protest, I rush upstairs and into my room. I push my door shut rapidly with both hands.

I don't even bother getting into pajamas before I flop onto my bed and go into a spastic sobbing fit.


A/n: I'm on a really good updating streak. Go me, guys. Now, for real, in the upcoming chapters will be the Malani I promised you. Enjoy reading! Lemme know whatcha think of Jojo and Brynn being friends with Maddie. Bye, girlies! Happy reading! ❣️

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