2 - @spinyKyverna

94 11 4


1. When you were little what was your dream job?

When I was little, I wanted to be a storm chaser. Of course it's not realistic but I'm still fascinated by severe weather.

2. What's your fear and why?

My greatest fear is that I'll loose God's approval. I'm a devoutly faithful person and He is the most important person on my life. And I don't want to displease or dishonor Him by my actions.

3. If you had the founder of Wattpad sitting next to you, what would you say to them? Would you suggest any improvements that could be made?

First, I would thank them countless times for giving so many people the chance to express their creativity to the world in such an easy way. I'd probably recommend some way to make sure original, undiscovered stories get the proper light. Not just bad boy/good girl stories.

4. What's your favourite part of yourself?

Not sure. I was raised to be humble and not compare any two people. I guess it's my dedication and passion to what's important in my life. In order of importance, it would be 1) My relationship with God and my spirituality, 2) My Family, 3) My friends, 4) My fellow believers.

5. What's your favourite mythological animal?

I'd say the dragon. It inspired so much fear and fascination. And actually the Bible uses the dragon to illustrate actual beings.

6. Would you get a tattoo, if yes what picture/design would you get?

I hate tattoos. Not only are they hard to remove, I think they are unnecessary and make a person a whole lot less beautiful. If we were intended to wear tatoos, we would've been born with them.

7. How do you pick the names of your characters? (In your book)

For some, I chose names that have nothing to do with them, so as to make them stand out. Other times, I just page through baby names.

8. Would you rather eat a hedge hog or 10 flies?

Ten flies. At least they have more protein.

9. What's your favourite plant?

The Sequoia. It's sheer size and magnitude makes me wonder about God's wisdom and power when He made the world.

10. Have you ever made up a recipe? If yes then what recipe?

I don't think I can count the time I tried to make my own pizza and it ended up tasting like stale bread with soap.

11. What sport would be better if all the players were drunk?

I don't think any would. I think getting drunk is a serious mistake and shouldn't be taken lightly.

12. Do you follow back your followers?


13. How did you find Wattpad?

It was in winter of 2015. I was searching for Star Wars fanfics and came across Wattpad.

14. When you read someone else's book, do you always vote on every chapter?

Most of the times yes.

15. If you were the founder of this project, how would you improve it or would you keep it the same?

I think it's doing pretty good on its own. Just make sure to pay more attention to original stories.


Thank you! <3

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