Chapter 1: Just My Normal Morning

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Me. I was the one leading the people. Me. I was the one leading to all this blood shed. Me.

I look around myself finding wounded soldiers laying on the clouds bleeding puddles of coppery liquid. Tears running down their faces but strong and proud looks in their eyes. Is this the way it's supposed to be? Am I supposed to be leading all this death? Is this the right thing to do? I think this over and over in my head as I attack the enemies with all I have. I swing my sword and burn them to ashes with my powers.

To me, this doesn't feel right. But it's what my father wanted and it's what I shall do.

"Luna, help me!" I heard a girl's voice yell to me from behind. I turned around to see my 12 yr. old friend surrounded by many strong soldiers. Hitting her with every swing of their sword. "Hold on I'm coming, Kiki!" I yelled to her as she threw snow magic, coming from her palms, towards the soldiers around her.

I'm about Kiki's age also. But I'm a few months older than her. Kiki has long, blonde hair that reaches past her waist. It was up in a single pony tail that was held together with a blue ribbon. But with every slash of her blade made her hair stain with the splotches of red. My hair was white that had fallen down to my feet as it was up in a single pony tail. It was held up by a red ribbon. The tips of my hair was stained red from blood in the battle fields, as it dragged along behind me as I ran. Kiki's and my eyes are the same color. Red. Mine were more darker from more experience in battle and hers is more a pinkish red. We were raised as best friends almost like sisters. She trusted me and I failed her.

The clouds we flew above were also stained red. The soldiers and the enemies had wings. Angel wings. The good guys, or so we thought we were, wore light armor on our heavenly feathers.

The skies were dark and there were screams of pain everywhere. Kiki and I stood back to back as we shot fire and ice through our hands. Then everything went dark. The screams had now been muffled. There was only silence. Everything had stopped all at once and disappeared in a flash. Like it never even happened. I just hovered there in the black that ate up everything around me. "What's going on?" I said as I looked for any sign of life. Nothing.

"Luna! Luna wake up. Are you ok?" I could hear a deep voice calling out to me. The words echoed in the blackness. Until I open my eyes to see my older brother standing there hovering over me as I slowly awakened. "What is it?" I asked. Then I remembered what just happened. It was all a dream. I sighed in relief and my brother just stood there with worry and confusion in his eyes. "Just remembering the past." I told him. He looked down. Sadness filled his eyes now.

He had lost someone he loved during that war. We had many wars before but that one was heartbreaking. He had lost his girlfriend. She had also been a great friend of mine too. At that time my brother was 15.

He ran his hands through his identical white hair. He looked back up at me with his ocean blue eyes and said, "I made breakfast so why don't you get up." He stood up from the chair he sat on. "And Lyla's already down there waiting for you." He smiled and walked away.

My sister, Lyla, and my brother, Luca, were only half-siblings. Our mothers are different. Mine is, as some people call her, the devil. And my father. Well, God. How wonderful is that? Not that great.

I rolled over to the edge of my bed and sat there in my red, silk pajamas. I stood up and walked into my walk in closet and threw on a pair of skinny jeans and an aqua colored tank top. No shoes of course because there's no need if you can fly. I walked down the creaky, old stairs and saw Lyla and Luca sitting there eating pancakes.

Lyla had long white hair that had reached her waist and had light baby blue eyes that made you forget every negative feeling just by looking into them. Lyla was wearing a pink dress with a thick ribbon that wrapped around her waist to make a large bow in the back. Luca was wearing a white tank top that showed off his tan, fit arms and blue shorts that went a little below his knees.

I walked over to the table and took a seat next to Lyla. Our wings were leaned up against the back of the chairs.

Luca's wings had different shades of brown and Lyla's had different shades of pink to match her dress. My wings had different shades of red that grew lighter to become more of a pink with several pure white feathers evening out the red. Lyla was 5 yrs old. I am currently 15 and Luca is 18.

Our father, the king of Phayron (pronounced like faerun) a.k.a. to humans as Heaven, sat in his throne room. Not aware that his children had waken up. He doesn't really hang out with us like a real family does. My mother, current wife of the king in the Underground, had left us because of my fathers ignorance. I still visit her once and a while when no ones around or when I'm bored. My siblings and I all share the same father. But not the same mother. Their mother is just some woman my father met.

My father is the ruler of Heaven. But in heaven there are many different lands. Or should I say islands. We live on floating islands that move along with the wind but stay in one place as if it were chained up. {I'll go more into explanation further into the story}

I cut my pancakes and shoved them into my mouth a little at a time. "So." I said looking over to Lyla, "Have you picked out your dress for tonight's ball for our father?" I asked. I still haven't decided what to wear. And I'm in charge of setting up the decorations. I'm pretty good at it though. She looked at me with her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk and nodded. "Really?" I said sounding kinda shocked. She wasn't the type of person to actually be ready at this time. She's usually late or forgetful. "Could you show it to me when we're done eating?" I asked wondering what dress she picked. I'm surprised she even came out of her room fully dressed today. She usually likes to have either me or Luca pick clothes out for her.

Lyla shook her head as she swallowed what she had in her mouth. I looked at her confused. "It's a secret." She said looking proud of what she had chosen. She smirked at turned back to my food. "Witch." I whispered under my breath playfully. Apparently she heard that because she shot me a look saying, you're gonna regret that someday. Playfully of course. Well. Sorta playfully. She didn't like being called that. {Well duh of course not}

When I finished eating I put my plate in the sink and went back into my room.

Welp. I hadn't updated this story much and this comment was just recently added as I was revising a bit. This was very disappointing. Especially on how I ended it. But since I'm too lazy right now you're just going to have to stick with what I've got. I'm sorry for all of those who are disappointed in me also because I have failed as both a person and a writer. You will find more comments like these throughout my chapters but they weren't added until a few months or several, who knows how long this has been up here for, and I'm just now getting to them. If you are new and reading this then carry on and point out those miner details in the story line that I may have missed. I like it when people do that because then it makes me actually think about the story line. So those people out there that have a knack of spotting out the wrong things in a story or movie, please I would like your assistance. Arigato! 

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