Chapter 4: Let's Gather Our Friends!

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Picture is of Luca. Minus the angel wings though. 


I realized how hot it was when sweat started dripping down my forehead. I reached the castle gates and with guards moving to the side they let me in. I flew up to my bedroom. I heard a SLAM coming from my brothers room. 'I wonder what's wrong with him?' I thought as I walked into my room and locked the door behind me.

I sat on my bed and looked at my closet that was full of clothes. I don't see why we have clothes or closets. When your part of the royal blood you can store things in your own little space you can open with your magic. We can also imagine a pair of clothes and it will appear on ourselves. I thought letting out a loud, long sigh.

I lifted my hand out in front of me and closed my eyes. My palm was facing upwards and I could feel my power (energy) rushing to my hand and out into the air around me. I opened my eyes watching as the clothes from my closet went into the portal that was floating above my palm. Once my closet was empty I closed my hand into a tight fist and let out another sigh.

I closed my eyes once again and thought up a long, light tan skirt that had its sides cut out. The top had a golden metal belt thing. Then I thought up a light tan top with no sleeves and showed all of my stomach (like a tube top bra but a common outfit for royal woman). The top of the shirt had a golden metal in it too. It went over my shoulders and made an 'x' on my shoulder blades. I opened my eyes and stood up from my bed. I looked down at what I was wearing and commented, "Comfortable and perfect."

I stepped outside the doors of my bedroom and headed downstairs. 'War' The only word I could think of at the moment. I walked down the hallway as the door from my brothers room opened. I peeked my head and immediately knew those red, swollen eyes. He had been crying. "You alright, bro?" I asked walking over to him with concern filling my eyes. 

He looked up and said with a sigh,"I'm fine," there was a long pause, "you busy?" I replied with a simple no. "You wanna go for a fly?" I could tell he wanted to talk to me about something.

We headed down the corridor down to our kitchen. Luca rushed over to the cupboard under the sink and grabbed a picnic bag. "I hope you didn't have anything planned." He said as he looked at me expecting that I didn't. 

"No. I'm free as long as you want. Do you want to invite others? To make you feel better perhaps?" I know I shouldn't be bothering but he nodded in agreement anyways.

As we walked outside. Lunch in hand. We flew towards a bunch of floating islands, most likely a neighborhood, and headed in the direction of Kiki's house. I haven't seen Kiki for a while. I thought. Wondering how's she's doing. 

"Have you seen Kiki recently?" I asked Luca as he silently flapped his wings continuously for a couple minutes.

"No. Not since the last time I went with you on a delivery," Luca answered, glancing over at me once and a while.

-If you hadn't known. Luna works for the towns messenger. Even though she's royal doesn't mean she can't act spoiled. She likes talking to the towns people. She made many friends that way.-

We arrived at a light, baby blue colored house with a white roof. Smooth stone steps led onto a white painted porch. A rainbow colored hammock hung by metal hooks sticking out of the ceiling. We met the ground with our feet and walked up the stairs. The stone steps feeling cool on our bare feet. Luca raised his fist and knocked on the oak wood door.

"Coming!" a chipper answer called from the other side of the door. The door swung open and there stood a girl with blonde hair and pink-ish eyes. 

"Kiki!" I exclaimed as I rushed past Luca and gave her a big friendly hug. "I missed you." I said after a while of embrace. 

"I missed you, too. Why haven't you visited me?" I looked straight into her eyes .

"I needed time to think about things." I looked down at my feet, unable to look her in those corrupted yet innocent eyes. 

There was a long awkward silence until Luca broke it lifting the basket higher for her to notice. "We were wondering if you wanted to come on a picnic with us?" 

She looked kind of shocked for a split second then said, "Sure. I got nothing better to do. And I think Bella might be done with her shift. We could invite her too." Kiki said trying to get the awkwardness out. "Let me get my coat and feed Fable."

Fable was an adorable little dragon we had found a long time ago. We had been wondering around and we found a cave and inside the cave you could hear whimpering. When we found it. It looked as if it had been in some kind of fight. So we decide to take care if it. Dragons are not very rare here in Heaven. Almost a quarter of our population was made up of dragons. Was. And then they came. { spoiler: dragons will take a great role in this book;) }

Kiki returned with her soft pink cloak. She buttoned the golden heart shaped button. Luca and I walked down to the bottom of the stone steps and waited while Kiki closed and locked the door. Kiki turned around and there in her hands was Fable. 

"I thought you weren't gonna bring him?" Luca said. 

"Yeah, well I didn't feel right leaving him alone in the house. So I decided on bringing him along. If that's ok with you guys." She said raising an eyebrow expecting an answer. 

I gave a nod and said, "I agree. And plus," I walked up toward Feeble and patted his head, "I love him. He's such a cutie."

"Since when were you so girly?" Luca teased. I turned around and scowled. 

"Since when were you so mean. Oh wait, you haven't changed." I tried to use my most childish face. I stuck my tongue at him and then turned around. "Shall we?" I held out my hand to Kiki and she took it. We walked down the steps together holding each others hand. {We are not lesbians. Not that I have anything against them}. As we walked along the streets of the Neighborhood we picked up Kaito {The boy from the Town} and one of Luca's friends, Eon [pronounced ee-on].

Why are these so short?! I'm so sorry. Please bare with me a bit longer. The next chapter should be more longer and interesting...I hope -_-' I love you guys and please continue reading. Or if you're over this book and you just can't take it any longer try one of my other stories. 

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