-Light my heart -Palutena x Reader

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The reader is female btw!For any of you gals who are into this sunshine (haha lol)

Readers (p.o.v)

Man!Jesus Christ I should have never told Pit that I was also into um... Well girls..I told Pit like not that longer ago that I may have a iffy, bitty crush on um... Lady Palutena.GAH! I just can't!The way her hair shines,her smile and... UGHHHH! I wouldn't expect her to like me back though. Any ways today I'm gonna hang out with Pit and Arm- I MEAN Dark pit at a little festival that's starting today. Hopefully they don't try anything weird...

-Time skip-

You were walking down the hallways on your way to Pit's dorm. You finally made it and knocked on the door. Pit opened the door then smiles once he saw you"Hey (y/n)!"

"Hey is Dark pit here yet?"You smiled

"No but Palutena is!"He says with a smirk

Yours eyes.You took one glanced at her then turned around and screamed under your hands.

Palutena peaked out "(Y/n) are you alright?"She says with a worried tone

Hearing her voice made you just blush."U-UM.. Y-Yeah I'm OK"You stuttered.

After a minute you finally calmed down. You then walked into Pit's dorm "I'm um.... Sorry a-about that.. "you glanced away nervously

"um.. It's okay!Don't worry about it (y/n)"Palutena gave you a friendly smile. 

This was one of the reasons why you just love her.She was just nice.Like a goddess (so original right lol)

"Sup loosers"You heard a familiar voice.You turned around to see dark Pit entering the room

"H-hey"I waved

Dark pit looked at you then Palutena.

"OHHH"He laughed a bit

Pit started to have a giggling fit with Dark Pit

While you were just blushing and groaning infront of a confused goddess.

"Okay, okay!WOOH!"Pit finally calmed downed "We should go now!"

"Yeah we should"Dark pit looked at Pit a grin

Man when Dark pit and Pit get along.. It's always creepy in a way..

You got up and took a deep breath "Well yeah let's go now"I smiled

-Time skip-

Readers (p.o.v)

Welp! Those twins fucked me!They invited my CRUSH to hang out with us. Well I might aswell deal with it..

"Hey (y/n)!"Pit called your name


"Let's go on that roller coaster!"

I looked at the ride and quickly got chills. It's so high! Nope!No way I'm going on that thing!

"U-um... You guys should go without me..I don't really like high roller coasters." I did a nervous smile

"Oh well if you want to go we'll do something else. I mean we don't want you to be alone"Pit says

"Oh don't worry about me!"I say

"You and Pittoo can go I'll stay here with (y/n)!"Palutena smiled and held my hand.

Oh my god it was so soft!

"Well okay!See you two later then!"Pit and Dark pit left after that

There was a very awkward silence between us until..

"Oh hey!(y/n) let's go get some ice cream!"She smiled at me

I blushed a bit from just looking at her smile at me. Then smiled and nodded "Yeah sure"

We walked into the line for the ice cream stand.

Finnally I was actually being less awkward in front of Palutena!We were having a interesting conversation until this douche came in..

"Hey ladies!"CF(captain falcon lol) waved

"Oh hello Falcon!"Palutena waved with a smile

I glanced away and waved"yeah hey. "I did a small smile

Falcon walked next to us."See you two are buying ice cream.Let me pay for that"He smirked

"Oh thank you"I say as Palutena nodds with me.

Well Falcon isn't a bad guy but he came at the wrong time. I guess it is good that we're getting free food though (wish that could be me lol)

We finally got out ice cream and sat on a bench.

"Hey so you two are seeing the light show?"Falcon asks

"There's a light show?"Palutena responded

"Yeah I think it happens in a couple of hours.I could save a couple of spots for you guys if you'd like!"He smiled

"That would be awesome"I smiled

Damn it's like he wants me and Palutena to be in a romantic scene.

Pit and Dark pit found us

"Sorry we took so long. SOMEONE just had to eat some ice cream off the floor earlier"Dark pit glared at Pit

"Sorry!It's just too good!"He does a nervous smile then noticed Falcon

"Oh hey Falcon!"Pit waved

"Hello"Falcon waved back.

"Hey what's up with all the people gathering on the side walks?"Dark pit says.

"There's gonna be a light show later. We should probably start finding a spot"Falcon says

We all nodded.

We started walking.Trying to find a good spot.

Palutena and I got separated from the others and continued walking until we realized we got lost.

"Shoot!We lost them!"I yell "Do you wanna still look for a spot or go back?"I asked with a worried face.

"We should still try to find a spot"She says

I nodded and kept walking until I stopped

I looked at Palutena with a flustered face We ended up being on top of a hill and there was a sunset. Her hair was flowing so smoothly and shining beautifully.I want to tell her how I feel but can't.Im scared she won't like me back or worse...Be disgusted and leave me...

I was starting to tear up but I didn't notice.

"(y/n) what's wrong?"She held my hands with a worried face

"H-huh?"I soon realized my own thoughts made me tear up.

"I-i... "

"you what?"I can tell she was really worried

I took a deep breath

"I love you..."I glanced away. I was too scared to find out what she'll do.

Her eyes widen.She blushed a bit and did a small smile. She held my hands a bit more tightly and kissed me for a minute.She then broke the kiss.

I was surprised.I thought she wouldn't like me back for something!

"I love you too.. My little sunshine"She whispered

I blushed madly and started having a quiet giggling fit.

"Awww"She coed with a smile.



"You think their making out rn"Dark pit laughs

"I'd pay to see that"Falcon says

Pit and Dark pit looked at him with a 'WTF' look.


HEYYY!Woo!I FINALLY wrote something for once!

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