Bowser x reader

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Kk let's start this stuff lol


You were a villain but yes you were kidnapped at times. You really didn't know why but when you were, you fought back with your army once you escaped. People liked you well enough to actually make you a fighter at the smash mansion. You thought it was weird but you dealt with it.

Though you were a villain you still hung out with the other females. Peach told you about this turtle dragon thing that would always kidnap princess but mostly her. You've seen him before. Your first thought of him was"What the hell is that thing??? "

You never had actually met him personally until today..

You were at the field nearby the fountain. You were just minding you're own business until you over heard a discussion happening a few feet away.

"Princess peach of the toadstool kingdom!Please accept my love for you!"He yelled.

Peach sighed "Bowser look.. "

"You need to find someone new.I just don't feel that way towards you. It just I love Mario.."

You just went inside "I am not going to listen to all of this mushy stuff "You sighed

*Time skip*

You were inside your room just watching TV until you heard a knock on your door. "Dammit I was watching Game Grumps.."You groaned.You opened the door to see only a note laying on the ground."What? "You picked it up and read it

"Dear (y/n)..Please meet me outside in the field in one hour.. "

"What the actual hell.. "You said. "Well I guess I have nothing better to do.. "You went inside and started get ready.

An hour passed and you headed outside. You saw light coming from the fountain.

You slowly walked towards the lighted area to see the koopa king himself and a small dinner table

"koopa troopa loopa king daddy kinky king"


The end lol. Im working on mostly the Roy x reader one shot rn lol. Sorry that this was super short and had a stupid ending 👌

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