"i can't help but see the angry brown orbs that treated me like an object."

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Kian looked almost like a little kid in trouble. He kept his head down throughout the conversation, and only spoke after he glanced at Bobby. Corey thought it was as if he were asking permission, but Bobby knew that Kian was thinking of what to say before he spoke, to make sure it wouldn't hurt the black-haired boy.

Jc was blunt, but apologetic. Calm, but desperate. If someone could take a switch to their emotions, flick it on and off, someone would say that he tried to flick them off, but the switch got stuck along the way.

He looked at Kian with silent, pleading eyes that Kian didn't see. His voice was firm but his hand signals were like a silent plea, begging him. For forgiveness, a second chance, a new start, nobody was sure. Not even Jc himself.

Kian rang his hands out while Jc ran his through his hair. He wiped his eyes, and Jc wiped his brow. They were both nervous. Not the type of nervous like the first day of school, jittering and almost excited to meet new people. Kian and Jc were the type of nervous that made your skin crawl, and your eyes water, and your arms stiffen. The type of nervous that made you subconsciously flinch at small things, that made you clench your teeth so much that they hurt, but you don't feel it. Like Kian's were right now.

"So, the house isn't, like, splitting up or anything, right?" Corey asked loudly, breaking the eery silence that hung in the air after Kian and Jc were finished talking. Jc trying to explain himself, and Kian trying to endure it so that he could escape those beautiful brown eyes.

Jc glanced at Kian, and filled with relief when the taller boy shook his head. Corey sighed.

"When did our house turn into a fucking reality tv show?"

Bobby couldn't help but snort at that. Kian smiled a bit, but Jc was still staring at him, internally wishing that he would look him in the eyes again. Just one look, and Jc was sure he could start to win the taller boy back.

"Family lunch?" Bobby stood up, his keys jingling. Everyone looked at the tall windows, and the downpour of water surrounding the house.

"Or we can cook?" Bobby suggested. Everyone obliged, still quiet and with dampened moods at the day's events. Bobby grabbed Kian's wrist, trying to pull him to the kitchen with mock difficulty.

"Get up, lazy bones!" Bobby dragged him to the surprisingly clean kitchen, where Jc and Corey already were. And where they were already arguing.

"What do you mean you can't make eggs?" Jc was borderline yelling at Corey, who had his hands up in defense. His face reddened.

"All I eat is Ramen!"

"Do you know how to cook anything?"

"I can boil water?"

"Okay!" Bobby clapped his hands, which was barely heard over Kian's laughter. The two arguing boys turned to him.

"What?" They said in unison, the same defensive edge to the word. Kian only laughed harder.

"I can boil water!" He mocked, erupting with laughter again. Corey turned even redder, if that was possible at this point. Jc snickered at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.

"Corey, toast duty." Bobby announced. "Breakfast for lunch! And I'm making smoothies."

"I guess we can do the actual work." Kian glanced at Jc, trying to break the ice. Jc nodded solemnly, only a small smile gracing his lips.

Drowning In Air, A Jian / Bian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now