Tell Me Who I Gotta Be? Anthony x reader

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Yo but the most lit songs in 21 Chump are One School and Cousin
Possibility of part 2?
Y/n's POV:
I remember waking up and getting a text from my cousin, Lindsay.

MagentaQueen: So quick question.
YellowHeather: yeah?
MagentaQueen: so I'm supposed to be working on something but I can't. Some last minute stuff. Can you do it?
YellowHeather: sure...
MagentaQueen:okay cool. Here's the address.(insert random address)

I sat my phone down. Lindsay and I we're close cousins. And luckily I got to do this job for her. That'll help since I was on Broadway for In The Heights as Vanessa. Well on my way to the address.

(Timeskip brought to you by Daveed's fast rapping.)

I arrive at the theatre and when I walk in, I see Lin. "Lin, " I ask. "Y/n? Is that you, " he asks back. We hug each other for a moment. I step back and look at him. "Wow. You've changed quite a bit, "I say. "So have you, " he replies. I was about to say something else when I see Alex walk up to me. "Alex! It's been so long, " I shout out to him. He runs up to me and gives me a hug. "Same here. YO ANT! THIS THE ONE I WAS TALKING ABOUT, " he yells out of nowhere. I see a guy with freckles and curly hair walk up to Lin, Alex, and I. "H-hey. I'm Anthony. Anthony Ramos, " he quickly says. "Oh. I'm Y/n L/n. Lindsay's younger cousin."

Right before he was going to say anything else, Lin walks in out of nowhere. "So let's get to the first song and - okay Ant. Second day on the job and already got a girl? "He then gives up weird eyebrow movements and goes over to me. "Let me know how he feels. You know,when you FU-.," he said which everyone heard. I quickly hit him on the arm. "LIN! " He then walks off.

(Timeskip brought to you by The Get Down XxUntitledxX knows what I mean)

We finish up rehearsal and I go to walk out but someone stops me and slips something into my pocket. The person then runs off and I reach in my pocket to find a slip of paper. I open it to find a number on there.
1 347-***-****
The next day

I was staying over at Lindsay's house for the time being. We get ready and head back to rehearsals. Antwaun, Alex, and Anthony were already there.

(Timeskip brought to you by me yelling at my tv while watching White Girl)

We quickly go through rehearsals since we only did One School and the Epilogue. I still cried though at the Epilogue because I'm wondering why Naomi broke Justin's heart (ikr Y/n) . So after rehersals, me and the squad (I know what I did)  go out to Starbucks and I order (insert favorite drink). 

(Idgaf about all the time skips)

"So you guys are lucky because I have a rental house here in New York, " Antwaun says. "Oh plus Anthony, please don't try anything with Y/n. I don't want to hear moaning and groaning okay? Okay, " he says which had all of us laughing. Anthony blushed which had Lindsay laughing even harder.

Timeskip to first show

Today was our first show! I was like shaking with excitement as I got up, walked to the theatre, and put on my outfit. The show then starts and I could tell because Anthony sang "That's me, " so I knew my part was coming up. We go through without any slip ups. That is until "The Money". That's when you already know what happened. Yeah and it was embarrassing.

Idk. I was bored
After the show
I walked off the stage and back to the rental house. After about five minutes to myself, I hear the door open and I hear Alex, Gerard, Lindsay, Antwaun, and Anthony walk through. Everyone else goes to sleep except for me and Anthony. While I'm on my phone, he walks out the bathroom (Anthony in the bathroom)  and he walks over to me. He climbs on top of me (?) "Remember how you said that you would repay me? Well now can be the best time to do that. "Let's just say, I felt sorry for Antwaun.

Sup guys! I'm back. I'm not deax

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