What The Heck Did You Do? - Narrator x reader

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Stranger Things and Hamilton

Requested by Philipisbaelife101

Wtaf did I just let you guys watch?
Like 'Why did you do it' but with a twist.
Y/n's POV:
Why did I listen to Justin? I'm not sure. I was stupid to though. I was sitting in something like an office or an interview room. Like on Law And Order. Then some guy with shoulder length hair, glasses, and a suit walks in.

"So Y/n am I correct, " he asks. (Lmfao when I was younger and even now, teachers can't pronounce my name right. Na-kai-ya-h, Nakiyah) "Yeah. "He adjusted the glasses on his face. "So it says here that you trusted someone that was an undercover police officer. "

I froze for a moment thinking back to Justin. Why did he do what he did I thought. "Yes sir, " I respond with guilt in my voice. He looks at me as tears start to form in my eyes. I didn't want to go to jail at only 18. I still wanted to graduate.

"Have you talked to Justin ever since, " he asked. I responded with sarcasm in my voice, "I would love to have that conversation. "

He looked at me and asked, "What would you say? "

I thought about it and I said, "I would say, 'What the heck did you do, what the heck did you do? Justin. "

I pause to wipe the flowing tears off my face. They wouldn't stop but I tried.

I started to sob, "What the heck did you do? "

He looks at me amd wipes my tears. It's gonna be okay. I promise you, alright? "

I start sniffling again, " But how? I messed up my future by trusting him. I could've graduated and got a good job, made my parents proud. But I've made them disappointed. "He gives me a look of sympathy. "I promise everything will be fine. He gives me a hug and I return it.

30 minutes later

He leaves the room after 33 minutes. He just leaves me alone in there. I sit in there thinking about what the man said.

Everything will be okay.

Sorry for no updates! I'm in Seattle for the weekend and was doing so much stuff. So I'll try to update more sinve the place we're staying at has amazing Wi-Fi. So stay beautiful guys!

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