Tell Me Who I Gotta Be - Anthony x reader [NSFW]

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So here is the smut scene that JOHNLAURENSISMINEEE and Philipisbaelife101 and I were talking about. Here it is! By the way, this will be told in your POV! Got it?  By the way, sorry if it's cringey. Sorry to Jesus in advance for this piece of sin. This is my first time trying to write it. And at the top, that's my praise song. Thank you Josh Groban. Also sorry this took so long. I had kind of a writer's block on this chapter since it's my first time writing something like this. Wait, hold up. One more thing I promise! Thank you to the guys who helped me through my "breakup". It's on my 'Anthony Crap' book if you want the whole story. Thank you guys! ON WITH THE STORY!


Y/n's POV:
Anthony crawled on top of me and started to kiss me. I look into his eyes and I see......lust? He then takes his lips off mine and starts to kiss my neck. He keeps on doing that for a while then found my sweet spot. I moaned at the sensation of it.

He lifts up my shirt and kisses down my stomach. His hand snakes into my pants. He starts to rub my clit. I start to moan. He enters a finger into me. I moan as he fingers me. Right before I came, he takes his fingers out of me.

Anthony then pulls down his pants and boxers.

(LORD FORGIVE ME FOR WHO I HAVE SINNED! LET ME INTO HEAVEN WHEN I PASS ON!! Warning: cringey smut coming up that was written by a 12 year old that learned all of her knowledge at 7 years old)

He lined himself up with my entrance and pushed himself in. I moaned as he kept on thrusting into me. "I-I'm close, "I manage to say. He pulled out of me and came on my stomach. Them we both just went to sleep.

Lmfao. Sorry for the cringe. I'll try hard when I do the next one. Okay. Okay! Bye my dudes! Stay beautiful!!

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