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This one-shot was requested by @muffin_army. enjoy!
Ohhhhh no. What do I do?! I can't tell them that I'm not able to swim. They'll make fun of me. No 18 year old isn't able to swim.
I sit in the bathroom panicking, as Daniel is in our bedroom right now and I don't want to go in there and have him see me freaking out. Yeah, I know. I'm 18 years old and I don't know how to swim. So now I can either choose to not go swimming and have the boys feel offended that I don't want I spend time with them, or I can go swimming and risk dying. I sigh, running a hand through my curly brown hair. Maybe I can just go outside to the pool and not actually go in. Yeah, that's what I'll do.
Once we are all changed, we meet outside by the pool. Daniel and Zach immediately jump in while Corbyn and Jonah chat on the side of the pool for a minute, their feet dangling in the water. I just sit in one of the lounge chairs on the side of the pool though, watching nervously. Eventually, all the other guys are in the pool except me.
"Come in bro!" Daniel calls from the pool. I look and his direction and stare maybe a little longer than I should. I'll admit, he's got an awfully fine build.
"I-I'm good" I stutter nervously.
"I don't care! You should come in! It's no fun just sitting out there" he says, swimming towards the side of the pool where I am. He gets out and walks up to me, trying to grab my arm and pull me up.
"Seriously, I'm fine. I don't want to go in" I reply, slightly frustrated. Daniel looks at me suspiciously. He knows somethings up.
"Is everything ok?" He asks.
"I'm fine" I reply slightly angrily.
"Are you su-"
"I'll go in ok?" I say, maybe too loudly. He backs up in surprise.
"O-ok" he replies, waking back to the pool. Oh dear lord. What did I just get myself into. I'll just stay in the shallow end. I slowly get up and begin to wade down the steps, into the pool. I tense at the feeling of the cold water against my legs. Eventually, I make it all the way in. I relax. This isn't so bad. I can easily touch the bottom, so I think I'll be safe.
Me and the boys play around for a bit in the shallow end of the pool, tossing a beach ball back and forth. I soon forget that I'm even in a pool and unable to swim. So when the other boys go into the deep end, I subconsciously follow them. Big mistake. I immediately lose my footing as my head sinks under water. I begin to frantically paddle my arms, which doesn't help. My head bobs up and down and each time it pops above the surface, I cough and take in a deep breath of air.
"Jack!" I hear a voice call out. There are more calls of my names, but I can barley hear them as I have now sunk completely underneath the water. My vision is blurred as I try to scream for help. I can feel that familiar feeling in my chest, telling me to take a breath, but I'm forced to push it away. I continue to paddle and struggle as the urge grows worse. Each millisecond feels like an hour. Eventually my body forces me to give into the urge and I take a deep breath. Unfortunately, all that I get is water. I feel a horrible burning sensation in my chest and I begin to see black spots in my vision. This is how I'm going to die. Suddenly, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my body. I'm being pulled up and out of the water. The calls of my names are once again audible, though my vision is still blurred and blotchy. I'm being placed on land and Daniel's figure appears in my vision.
"Jack! Jack are you ok?" He asks. I can barley hear him through the ringing in my ears. I try to respond with "help", but I can't get in a breath of air. By now, I'm surrounded by everyone. I let out short coughs and sputters, but I can't breath. I flip over and suddenly cough up all of the water that I inhaled. I take in a sharp breath of fresh air. Finally. I continue to cough, feeling slightly less lightheaded now. I hear the boys gasp. Eventually, my coughing fit dies down. And I'm left lying limp on the ground. I see Jonah come up next to me.
"Jack? Are you ok? Do we need to call 911?" He ask.
"No" I say weakly. They all sigh in relief and Daniel let's out the deep breath he was holding.
"Let's take him into the living room" Jonah suggests. Daniel picks me up, holding me bridal style. I look up into his deep blue eyes and blush. I've had feeling for Daniel for a while, but I've never had the guts to tell him. Daniel doesn't notice my blush though, he's too worried about me. He sets me down on the couch inside the house.
"You need anything?" He asks me. I shake my head.
"You don't know how thankful I am. Like, you actually saved my life. There is NOTHING I can do to repay you" I say. He gives me a strange look and stares down at his fidgeting hands.
"Well... there is one thing..." he says, looking back at me.
"And that would be..." I say, waiting for him to tell me. He sits down on the couch next to me and grabs my hands, looking at me in my eyes.
"Jack, I've liked you for a while now. And I know this may seem a bit spontaneous, but... will you be my boyfriend?" He asks, looking hopefully into my eyes. A smile grows on my face and I forget the events of earlier today. All that matters is us.
"Of course!" I exclaim, bridging the distance between the two of us. His lips are soft on mine and cause jolts of energy to be sent through my body. I hear cheering and we pull away to see the other boys clapping and whistling. I blush and look at Daniel to see that he's doing the same.
"I ship it!" Zach squeals, jumping up and down like a teenage girl. I laugh and turn back to Daniel. He smiles at me and I lean in for another kiss. This man saved me and is my boyfriend now. How could life get better?

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