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I lived a very normal life before all this happened. "Jacob Smith, the boy who has it all." They used to say to me and they were all right I did have it all two parents who loved me, a big house, no problems everything was perfect then my mom got pregnant and sometimes it seemed I was more excited than her a new addition to the Smith family, then the day came just a nine months later. I'll never forget that day, at only seven years old I met my best friend. Sophie Smith brought into the world by the strongest woman I've ever known, but being strong does not mean you are invincible and she was not, after Sophie was born my luck ran out my mother got very sick, everything in her body just shut down over the course of five months she was gone but to me it's was in the blink of an eye we were lowering her in a six-foot hole in the ground. After that my dad stopped, it was like someone hit pause on a remote and he was what was on TV. He sat in a old chair and only moved to go to the bathroom, he didn't eat, he always had the same expression on his face like he just seen his dog get run over by a car, and he never talked. Once all that happened I had to fend for my baby sister. I had to be her mom, her dad, and her brother all at the same time. I had not time to be a kid because at the age of 7 I had to get a job so I could feed her, buy her clothes, let her have a life. After I quit school my whole life was work and while I was at work she was in preschool then first grade, then second. She was growing up so fast by the age of five she had to start helping me pay the bills so she baby-sat after school and on the weekends she would deliver newspapers to each house in town riding on her little bike but it wasn't enough, it never was enough. We couldn't pay the bills so we lost the house and had leave, after that we slept from couch to couch at friends houses having no where to go. When I heard about this place I thought it would be a better life for both of us but when the doors opened on the third test and I didn't see Sophie my heart sank into my stomach I thought this has to be wrong if I was picked she should be too because we've spent so much time together we are like the same exact person, then a sigh of relief left my mouth when I heard another door open and saw Sophie I was so happy I could've cried but I didn't finally god answered my prayers and kept us together. Captain grey started after that and said it was a mistake, that her door was not supposed to open but I was told whoever kept the flower alive got out, she did the task so why would her door not open?. This whole thing is sketchy but I can't complain. I just wish my sister was here. I don't know why I was chosen, I don't like being in a group of strangers who only give dirty looks to each other. I want to help people I want to save the world from all the bad, I mean I guess I can't do it by myself so these people can hopefully help me but I don't know if their goals are the same as mine. These people are really messed up, I thought I had it hard but nothing compared to these people I feel bad and want to help but what can I do I'm only a kid. It's ironic I got the color orange since it is my favorite color and all. When I see the color orange I think of a sunrise, the bringing of a new day full of possibilities and life. I don't know what we're gonna go through being in this group and I don't know if I'm ready. What can a bunch of kids who are strangers do against the world? What can I do?

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