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I put on a black long sleeve shirt, my heavy pink cardagin, denim blue jeans, and my black riding boots. I quickly looked through my bag to make sure I had all my school supplies. I flung the heavy bag over my right shoulder as I ran downstairs. I grabbed a protein bar off the counter and ran out the door to get on the bus.
I stood out in the snow freezing my butt off waiting for the school bus for at least an hour. I finished my protein bar when the bus finally came to a slow stop at my house. I quickly got onto the bus and saw that it was full and the only seats were in the back with all the jock looking guys and preppy girls. I walked all the way to the back, but everytime I tried to sit down someone would say "Sorry this seat is taken." I looked over and a little farther in the back looked like a completely empty seat. I threw my bag down then sat in the seat
"Hey!" I quickly jumped out of the seat
"I'm so sorry I didn't see you sitting there." everyone was laughing as I walked to the front of the bus and sat in the first seat.
23 Minutes Later
The bus came to a screeching halt outside of the school and all of us kids filed out in a flood. I quickly made my way to the office. There were a few ladys at their desks typing on computers, but other than that it was quiet. One of the ladys looked up from her computer
"How may I help you sweetheart?"
"I'm new. I was supposed to see the principal." all my nerves were running wild and I was trying too play it cool
"Mr. Dean will see you now. He's right through that door." The lady said giving me a kind smile which caused more wrinkles to appear on her face.
I walked through the big wooden door and let it shut behind me with a loud thud. I flinched from the slam of the door.
"Umm. I'm new here and-"
"Ah yes you are our new student. What's your name sweetheart?"
"Jane. Jane Carter." I held out my hand and Mr. Dean shook it firmly
"Well Jane I'll call down for a student to show you around."
"Would you rather it be a Junior like you or a Senior?" He asked looking through a big book
"Uhh. Junior. I guess." I said as he nodded pressing a button
"Mrs. Prescott can I have Shawn to the office please. He should bring his stuff with him. Thank you." I just waited then the one lady that told me about Mr. Dean walked in
"Shawn's here sir." Her smile made the wrinkles worse this time
"Jane take your things with you and Shawn will show you around." Mr. Dean said while pushing me out of the door.
Once I was out of the office I looked around, but saw not a soul. I heard footsteps as if someone was about to run up and tackle me, but I didn't move
"Sorry I was in the bathroom I was hoping they were going to talk to a little longer." the boy said "I'm Shawn Men-"
"Shawn? Shawn Mendes?" I asked since I was now facing him
"Jane?" I nodded "Well you already know my name, but I'm gonna show you around." He said showing off his perfect teeth
"Did you have braces? Wait I'm an idiot of course you had braces." He just looked at me strangely
"How'd you know I had braces?"
"I've watched all of your Vines and I still do."
"Right." He let out an awkward laugh. When he got done showing me around he told me that there was a free spot at his table for lunch and it was mine if I wanted it. I went to all of my boring classes as I waited for lunch to roll around. The bell rang signaling lunch. Finally. I got my lunch and scurried to find Shawn. I found him and went to sit at the table, but every seat was full.
"Jane sit here." He put his hand on the chair next to him
"Okay." I sat down and ate my lunch. When I was done I started getting up, but Shawn put his hand on my shoulder
"Wait Jane. Please stay just for a little while." Shawn said as I sat back down "What do you enjoy doing?"
"I love singing."
"You do?!" He showed his perfect smile
"Yeah I do." I blushed
"We should write a song together and do some YouTube videos on my channel."
"Sure. Just call me up and I'll come over."
"I would need your number before I did that Jane." He raised an eyebrow
"Oh yeah right."
"So what is it?"
"What's your phone number?" He pulled out his phone as he handed it to me and I put my number in it. The bell rang signaling for me to go to my Algebra 2 class. The teacher just went on and on about letters being in math and all that junk. I daydreamed as my last few classes went on. Then, I ran outside and got on the bus. There was less kids on my bus in the afternoon, so I tried sitting in the back where I thought there was a free seat this morning. I sat down
"Ouch!" I jumped out of the seat
"Oh my God I'm so sorry." I turned around to see who I sat on
"I didn't know you ride the same bus as me."
"Morning and afternoon." I rolled my eyes I can't wait until I get my own car
"Mine is in the shop. Plus riding the bus saves me money." He laughed his perfect laugh "You can sit with me on the bus and at lunch everyday."
"Thank you Shawn." After a while of just listening to my music my phone buzzed from a text
Unknown number: Hey bestie!

Me: who is this

Unknown number: aww come on Jane

Me: Who R U?!

Unknown number: it's Shawn dummy

Me: o. Hey!

Shawn: u have free time 2night

Me: ya... y?

Shawn: just wondering. Ttyl xx

Me: x

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