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I uploaded the video then turned to Shawn.
"This is why I got you that necklace." He smiled
"Thank you for it by the way." I blushed while looking down
"Why do you do that Jane?" He tried looking me in the eyes
"Huh?" I looked up at him without moving my head
"Every time you blush or get nervous you look down. Why?"
"Oh I don't know." I tilted my head up so I was looking at him straight face to face "I guess it's because when I was dating Blake he always made me feel like I should be embarrassed when I blush or get nervous." I sighed
"And you still dated him?"
"I-I-I uh. It's complicated."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I dated him then I started working for his parents as a waitress. He felt like they were taking me from him. He would tell me if I didn't date him and do everything he said then he would break my family apart and make my friends turn against me." I slowly let out a breath
"You finally got the guts to dump him?"
"No we had to move here so I told him that we were done. I didn't have the guts." He looked at me for a while then pulled me into a tight hug. He started rubbing my back as I moved my hands from my lap to around his neck. My hand touched his hair; I slightly pulled it to see if it was soft
"Oh my God your hair is so soft." I quietly laughed.
"Thanks." He said as I felt his laughter vibrate throughout his body. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his. I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes and I noticed a sparkle that I haven't seen before. I noticed the little scar on his cheek, I noticed his wonderful lazy eye, his plump pink lips, his sharp jawline, and a knot in my stomach. Was I falling in love? Was I getting a crush? Was I going to get crushed or worse yet broken? No, I couldn't let that happen but I can't live my whole life and not have a great boyfriend like Shawn. I'm at least staying his closest friend.
Shawn's POV
While my forehead was rested against Jane's I noticed so many things that I've never noticed about other girls before. Not even Lauren. I noticed the brown ring around her pupil swirling into her green eyes making them more of a beautiful hazel. I noticed her slight freckles on her nose and cheeks, I noticed how imperfectly perfect her eyebrows are shaped, her pirced ears, her cute little nose, her full/plump rosey lips, and a knot in my stomach. Every part of her is beautiful, she literally looks like a supermodel. She's tall probably five foot seven. She's super thin yet she has muscles on her bones. She's perfect just the way she is, because she's always herself. She won't change for anyone no matter what. God she's beautiful, if she would just let go of the memories of Blake. I know I can treat her better. I know I can I just have to show her.
Jane's POV
I blushed as I looked him up and down, but not making it too obvious. I hope. I looked back into his eyes as I smiled and let out a little giggle.
"What?" He laughed
"Nothing." I stopped giggling
Shawn's POV
I watched as she looked me up and down. Which she made very obvious, but it was adorable the way she did it. She looked back into my eyes then she started giggle which made me question why she was giggling but she never gave me a reason. She didn't really have to give me a reason to why she was giggling. I was just overjoyed that I was the one who could make her giggle just by me sitting there holding her in my arms.
Jane's POV
I love this long moment with me just sitting here in Shawn's arms. I just feel so safe, ya know? It's so perfect. He's so perfect and I'm falling. I don't know if I want to right now or not, but I am falling and I not want to break when I hit the ground.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, but I couldn't move I just continued looking him in the eyes. The door to my room slowly creaked open
"I made supper tonight. Are you ready for Mac n cheese? Sweethea-" He gasped as he saw me and Shawn looking directly into each others eyes. He then became full of rage.
"You get out of my house!" He said while pulling Shawn away from me. In that exact moment Shawn and I snapped out of our 'trance'
"Dad no! Dad please! Shawn wasn't doing anything wrong!" I pleaded
"Boys are always the ones to blame."
"Dad you're a boy."
"Don't sas me young lady! Just go downstairs and make us some desert. And as for you. You will be leaving as of right now." Dad said as I left my room and went downstairs to make desert.
Shawn's POV
Jane left her room as I stood there facing Jane's muscular father.
"Excuse me sir but none of what you just saw was Jane's fault. It was mine." I looked him in the eyes as I tried not to show my nerves. He slowly exhaled
"Look son. Jane had a boy friend already and I don't believe you're like Blake. You just have to realize that she is my little princess."
"I completely understand sir. Your princess is very wonderful and smart. I know she'll find the one that's perfect for her someday." I said as I looked down
"But not you?"
"I don't know sir." I gulped "It's getting late. I better get home now." I started walking out of Jane's room
"Say hi to your folks for us." I nodded as I walked out of their house. I turned back to look at their house and I watched as Jane put down a pan of brownies then she walked to the window. I smiled as I waved a little, which caused her to smile as she waved back.

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