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"They're so cute together and they just started dating. Why don't you give them a chance?" I heard Andrew say
"Ready or not! Here I come!" Shawn's voice bounced off the walls. I was waiting in the pantry for half an hour. Then I heard someone run into something.
"Watch out there, Shawn." Andrew said
"I'm sorry. Have you guys seen Jane?"
"No, why did she leave?" Emily asked
"No, we're playing hide and seek. She's really good at it." He said as I heard laughter
"Aren't you two a bit old for that game?" Emily asked through her giggle
"You're never too old to have fun." Shawn responded "All this seeking is making me hungry." He announced as I quickly got up against the wall.
He opened the pantry door, but didn't seem to notice me so I just stayed quiet and still.
"Andrew, are my chocolate chip muffins in here?" I looked around and saw that they were right in front of my face.
"Yeah they're in there."
I decided to be nice and handed him the container of chocolate chip muffins.
"Thank you." He said before shutting the door. I couldn't help but giggle.
"Wait a minute." He opened the door again and pulled me out as I was laughing.
"Want to watch a movie?" He asked as I nodded
"How about we watch Insidious." He said as I hesitantly nodded because I hate horror films.
We went to our bedroom and Shawn got a big blanket before turning out the lights and sitting on our bed. I sat next to Shawn as he put the blanket around the two of us and started the movie. I reached for a muffin out of the container which was sitting in his lap. I guess he noticed because he hit my hand.
"What was that for?!"
"Don't touch my muffins." Shawn said in a very sassy way which caused me to laugh. "I'm just kidding." He said as he handed me one.
I took one bite out of my muffin when something jumped out in the movie. I screamed and burried my face into Shawn's chest. Around midnight I stopped the movie.
"You scared?" He asked as I just held on to him.
The door slowly creeked open and we slowly turned our heads to the door. A person or thing in a black cloak was revealed. I held a death grip on Shawn's arm and I felt him tense up. The thing in the dark cloak walked towards us and I jumped off the bed, landed on the other side, rolled under the bed then screamed so hard that I started to cry. I immediately heard laughter so I stopped screaming, but couldn't stop crying.
Shawn pulled me out from under the bed.
"Dude I think we scared her too much." Shawn laughed as the lights were turned on and I saw it was one of the bandmates with his black robe on.
I hit Shawn in the chest to get him to stop laughing. He looked at me and gave me a bare hug
"Aww I'm sorry, Jane."
"Jerk." I muffled against his chest
"What was that?" He said while pulling me away.
"Oh. Nothing." I smiled and immediately ran.
I ran around the entire tour bus with him chasing me. He quickly caught up, grabbed me by my waist, and spun me around while we laughed.
It was so late that I slipped on my pajamas, brushed my teeth, then crawled into bed. It took Shawn a bit longer to get into bed, that by the time I felt his side of the bed sink down I was already half asleep. Sometime early in the morning he rolled over and put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.
I smiled as I rested my head against his chest. I heard voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Shawn then kissed my forehead as I blushed.
"Step away from the bed." I heard his morning voice say as his lips brushed across my skin.
"I mean it. If you take a picture I'm gonna slap you." He warned. I heard giggling.
"That's it." He said while clearing his throat. He kissed the top of my head
"I'm sorry about this, hun." He whispered in my ear. He got up then I heard him chase around whoever he was talking to. I woke up before he came back and just sat on the bed looking through my phone. Once he was done chasing them and was walking to our room I heard him yell
"You better not have awaken Jane!"
He came into the room and saw that I was awake.
"I hate those guys." He sighed as I smiled "I'm so sorry that they woke you." He walked over and kissed my forehead before walking into the bathroom.
I went through Twitter and noticed that I was getting a lot of hate from Shawn's fans. My phone was being blown up so I had to check it out.

Blake: hey idiot!

Blake: was I not good enough for you?

Blake: I knew you'd date the pop star

Blake: why are you singing?

Blake: you hate singing!

Blake: you don't even sing good

Blake: I hope you and pop star die

Blake: I'm coming to see you babe.

Blake: I'll show pop star his place.

Me: go away

*Your number has been blocked*

I started to feel down. I didn't realize that Shawn had taken a shower until he opened the door and a cloud of steam engilfed him. It looked like something from a movie. He stepped out of the cloud that had him engulfed and I noticed he was only wearing black boxers. All of his muscles were exposed.
He walked up to me.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing." I looked down at my texts that I had just received.
"Gimme your phone." He held out his hand
"No. It's nothing." I said, but he took it from me.
"He'll show me my place, eh?" He looked at me as I sniffled.
"Don't worry. I'll protect you." He sat down in front of me and pulled me up into a hug.

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