Chapter 2 - Imprinted - Not the Werewolf Kind

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June 3, 2016

~Dusk Acosta~

"You kids want anything?" Scott asked, turning his head to the side to hear us better from the front seat.

"Large vanilla iced coffee please!" I yelled, resulting in Grace tapping me with her feet which happened to be sitting on my legs as she sat against the door reading a book I lent to her.

Mom had agreed with me it would be best if Grace stayed with us instead of staying at one of her family's many hotels. Like I said her parents were business folks, they owned a lot of hotels chains, restaurants, banks, even sold weaponry to high-class personnel, her lonely upbringing didn't make her someone that cared much of others. She has always had such an odd way of seeing the world, I even used to make fun of her and call her a hippie I didn't care if she would give me a fake smile and then wack me across the head. Grace's transformation was completed last year, she told me everything once I brought it up. I was beyond happy for her, she was always so depressed as Gerry.

Always getting bullied for having the really girly voice, or the girly face, having the hips of a girl, and even wearing some girl accessories. She hated being Gerry, I didn't know a person could hate themselves that much, but Grace' hate was a whole other level.

She loathed Gerry.

Now, there isn't a moment she's not smiling. Which is another reason why I am bursting in excitement by the fact that she is going to be staying with me.

"Make that two!" Scott nodded, getting out the car and headed into the diner as he joined hands with my mom at the entrance.

"Can I just say, Scott, DAMN!" Grace finished in a deep voice fanning herself with her hand.

"You do realize he's old enough to be your dad?" I scrunched my nose, she waved off my comment.

"Please, he's barely in his late 30's. Besides, I'm a 17-year-old virgin who has never had a boyfriend, Scott's just some.... eye-candy." She thought of the right word for a few seconds. I dramatically shivered, knowing she would just keep on grinning.

I belived she was done, however she spoke again, "So, you're telling me that if the hottest man just walked out of that Dunkin' you won't be eyeballin' him?"

"No, no, that is not what I said at all. The possibility of the 'hottest man alive' to walk out the door is one out of ten thousand chance."

"Then whose coming out the door right now?" She grinned. Caught off guard, I stumbled to sit up and have a look-see, but my disappointment was ever present on my face when Scott came out the door.

"Wo-ho-ho, that was not what I expected." Grace broke out into laughter. Her series of cackles being the cause of my laughs which followed shortly after.

When Scott had opened the driver side door his brows scrunched and eyeballed us, clearly asking 'what the hell?', we both shrugged the question off and continued laughing.

After our squealing, we simmered down and decided to go back to what we were previously doing. Grace went back to pretending to read as she painted her right thumb, she was planning on doing 100 layers to ease the time. While I went back to reading, I had recently discovered a new series of mystery fantasy books and it was just too good to put down.

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