~Chapter 3~

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      It's been one week since classes started. Everything was quite normal besides stupid Lockhart. Today was Saturday and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco and I were all planning to hang out today. But that's after lunch so right now I had nothing to do so I walked into the common room to read. I jumped onto the couch and started to read before realizing Annie was right beside me studying. "Oh hey Annie," I smiled. She hummed and nodded her head. I smiled remembering how much I studied the first week or two of school. "Need help?" I asked. She laughed "Oh yes miss Potter! You're always here to save the day," She said in a purposely thicker posh accent, pretending to be a damsel in distress. I laughed at the sarcasm the young girl had picked up. "But seriously...Yeah I need help," she chuckled nervously. "What class?" I asked her leaning closer to her notes. "Transfiguration..." Annie said. "well lucky for you ,I, the amazing (Y/N) Potter, started transfiguration at a young age," I said in a 'manly' voice. She laughed at my usual behavior. "Prove it," she smirked. "I don't wanna leave hoof marks on the carpet," I said showing a smirk. Annie's eyes widened at my statement. She gave me a look as if asking if I could actually do that. I nodded before transfiguring into my animagus form. She smiled her eyes sparkling slightly. I turned back into a human smoothing out my clothes before sitting back down. "That was SO cool! I suck at transfiguration. McGonagall told me I was so bad that I probably will need a tutor.  She didn't say it exactly like that but," She didn't finish her sentence before looking down. "Hey a witch can't be great at everything. But, I will help prove McGonagall wrong by helping you learn everything I know," I said. Annie jumped up and hugged me. "Thank you so much (Y/N)! Oh also some Ravenclaw named Luna or something wanted to see you," she said looking back down at her notes. "Surprisingly I know who that is," I mumbled standing up. "Do you know where she is?" I asked the first year. "Yeah she's by the lake," the younger girl mumbled. 

     I saw the blonde haired girl was sitting under a tree with Ginny. She looked up and noticed me. "Oh, hi (Y/N). Did you know you sleep walk?" The girl asked me. I knew I did was younger but I thought it stopped. "I used to. How did you know that?" I asked Luna. "Well I snuck out of the dorms late last night. No real reason just couldn't sleep. That's when I saw nargles. Usually I would avoid  them but I thought they were following someone. So I turned around and saw you. You were sleep walking and mumbling about Ginny and some diary. Then you said 'Death, return. Beware the maze Cedric'" She said raising one eyebrow as she spoke in her dreamy voice. I didn't know what to say. But then a question popped up in my head. "Luna how did I get back in my dorm?" I was honestly very confused. "Oh. well I couldn't leave you there. Did you know Wingardium Leviosa is a very useful charm. But I took you back," she said in the same tone but you could tell she was proud of herself. "How did you know the password?" this only made me more confused. "I over heard two 6th years," she smiled. I nodded before checking the time. "Shit! I got to go Luna," I said. "Language," she said before waving goodbye.

     It was lunch time and I sat at the Slytherin table next to Draco surrounded by our friends. "Hello Dragon," I kissed Draco's cheek. "Hey Doe," Draco smiled. "You're smiling? What put you in such a good mood?" I laughed. "You," he whispered in my ear before smirking his signature smirk. My face had a slight pink tinge.

     "Oh shut up!" I said in a joking manner.

     "Make me~" He smirked.

     I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his softly. It was a small, sweet, and simple kiss. Draco pulled away and kissed my cheek before wrapping his arm around my waist.

     "Today we are going to be going to the library with the trio," I stated.

     Draco groaned

     "Well that's what happens when we let Hermione pick where we hang out," I said. Sarcasm clear in my voice.

     "Why ,out of all the places we could have gone, did she pick the effing library?" Draco groaned.

     "Because it's Hermione. The know-it-all nerd," I laughed.

      Draco shrugged his shoulders.

     I looked over and saw Lockhart looking in a handheld mirror, his food now cold and long forgotten. I rolled my yes annoyed at the professor's behavior.

     "What a conceited git," I said.

     I then rolled eyes and leaned my head on Draco's shoulder. He looked down at me and smiled. "You are so perfect my Slytherin princess," he then kissed my nose. "And you are my mess of a boyfriend," I smiled. Draco playfully pushed my shoulder, which made me laugh.

     Lunch ended and Draco and I started to head toward the library. "Boo!" someone said grabbing my shoulders from behind. "God dammit Harry! You scared me. I thought you guys were going to leave lunch early to go to the library," I sighed after realizing it was just Harry. "We were going to but Ron wasn't done eating soooo," Harry chuckled.

     We all entered the library and sat at a large table in the back. Hermione pulled out three books and started to read. Harry and Ron went down a aisle together while Draco and I went down another. I ran my finger over the spines of many different books. Draco picked up a potions book and walked over to the table. I kept searching for a book. "Transfiguration, potions for beginners, history of multi-powered witches," I picked up the history book and went over to our table.

      I hopped onto Draco's lap and started to read the book and for the rest of the day we enjoyed each others company. It was such a perfect afternoon but with me... perfect doesn't last long.


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