Phillip //5//

713 30 67


I giggle quietly and nudged Laurens who made an awful joke about Washington. "It's true, his parents was washing machines" he whispered which made me snort and push him away. I looked back up at Washington who had a clip board. "Alrighty kids, this is your swimming buddy, you will not swim without your buddy  and you will not go anywhere without you buddy, that means if your buddy goes in the deep end you come with, understood?" He announced, I looked around to see everyone nodding their heads lazily.

"Great! Now- Madison with Laurens, Eliza with Maria, James Reynolds with Charles lee, Hercules with Lafayette, Burr with Angelica, Jefferson with Hamilton, Phillip with Eacker, Peggy, Theodosia, and Sally Hemings are in a group, does anyone's need repeated?"

Everyone shook their heads but I felt a drip of sweat slide down my face, I looked over to see George Eacker staring at me. I shrunk down into the log feeling ashamed. He's one of my many bully's of course I'm suck with him. I looked in any other direction other then him and saw Alexander storming over. He was mad obviously but when is he not mad other then when he's sleeping?

He plopped down beside me and leaned his head on my shoulder. "What's the matter?" I hummed and brushed his hair with my fingers. "I'm stuck with that-" he pointed over at Thomas who was talking with Eacker. "Aw, I thinks mines worse" I pointed over at Eacker.

He hummed and sat up raising a brow. "Isn't he like a bully?" Alex asked concerned. "Um- well yea" I shrugged and looked away towards Thomas and George. "If he even tries anything scream as loud as you can and I'll be here in less then a minute" Alex growled.

I giggled, it's nice to be cared about. He pulled me into a little hug, which I gave back nuzzling his shoulder. "Good luck Big bubby!" I got up and waved trotting off to Eacker who was now by himself on the dock. "BYEE!" I heard him scream from behind me.

I walked over to George and shuffled my feet waiting for to notice me, which he did in no time. "Alright, let's get this straight, I don't like you and oh don't like me so let's just get this  over with" he snapped.

"O-okay.." I stuttered and followed him to the washroom where I guess he was going to change, I'm already in my swimming trunks tho. I looked around at the other students splashing or siting in the grass while leaning on the bathroom wall waiting on George.

It wasn't much later until he appeared out of the bathroom- I couldn't help but to burst out in laughter when I saw his swimming trunks. They was brown and decorated in teddy bears.

George flushed and stomped his foot before yelling "MY MOM PACKED MY BAGS!" He threw his hand up which made me laugh even harder I fell over in the mud.

George stomped over and wrapped his arms around my waist and picking me up. I squeaked and wrapped my arms around him, honestly I have a horrible fear of falling, elevators? No thanks.

He must have noticed that I was clinging to his back because he placed his hand under my butt so I could sit, which I did. He carried me to the lake and sat me down, I stood up and stretched out pulling my shirt off and throwing it at the nearest tree.

George was staring tho and it made me uncomfortable. "E-Eacker, what are you looking at?" I stuttered and stood there uncomfortable. He held his hand up and trailed it along my stomach, I flinched back and held my hands above my head about as red as a tomato.

"You have so many freckles oh my lord" he laughed and crossed his arms over his bare chest. "I got it from my dad" I pouted and turned away. I felt hands snake around my waist. I turned backs and looked at the curly haired boy with a frown on my face. "Don't push me in-"

Of course, I was cut off by a harsh push- I let out a quiet squeak and landed in the deep water, chills ran up my spine because guess what- the waters fucking cold.

I opened up my eyes and started into the dark water while flailing my arms ever so gently, that's when I realized I couldn't touch the fucking ground.

I squeaked quietly and swam up enough to get my head above the water. I turned around and saw George standing on the dock with the biggest smirk. "ASSHOLE" I pointed me finger and pouted.

He only chuckled and jumped over me, I gasped slightly when he hit the water with full force and sent water flying at me. "Fucks sake!" I splashed back whining.

George swam over and grabbed my arm pulling me deeper into the water.
I was dragged along while I kicked and splashed. I eventually was able to break free and yell at him,  I had no idea what I yelled.

I kicked and whined trying to stay above the water while George didn't seem to have a problem, curse his long legs. "Calm down Phillip" he mumbled obviously annoyed.

I turned around in the water and let myself sink underwater so I would be able to swim better. I kicked off of George making him flow back and began swimming towards land from what I could tell.

It didn't take long for me  to get to land and once I did I kissed it with a small giggle. I heard a yell from behind me and sat up watching Eacker swim over. I splashed him with my foot and stood up storming off. Idiot, making me do stuff I don't wanna that's bull shit. I whined slightly and made my way to the bathroom stalls so I could possibly have some alone time.


Word count : 1035

John Laurens died today August 27- I cried for like 30 mins in my room

Not even kidding


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