//18// the morning after

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Alexander let out a quiet groan as he curled up against the blanket beside of him, he closed  his eyes tighter and  pressed his head into the blanket I felt of him. Blanket?

Alex fluttered his eyes open and tilted his head up hesitantly to see what or who  the warm thing. His eyes widened when he finally reached the mans face, short beard, long curls, ugly face, no that's was a lie Alexander actually found this man very attractive but of course he would never admit that.

Alex exhaled shakily and squirmed around to try and break free from the man, when there was no results he done the only thing he knew what to do. "JEFFERSON" he screeched into he other mans ear. Thomas flinched and unwrapped himself from Alex and scrambled to the other side of the small bed until he fell off the side.

Thomas hit the ground with a thud and a quiet groan, his hand running up through his messy morning curls. "What the fuck!" He barked while just laying there in defeat.

"WHAT WAS YOU DOING?" Alex yelled and slipped off the other side of the bed rushing over to the only door in the room that was oddly wide open. "What am I doing? What the fuck Hamilton?!" Thomas groaned and stood up, stretching his arms out with a quiet huff.

Alex shook his head and glared up at Thomas from across the room, demanding an explication with just his eyes glare. Thomas exhaled and made his way over to the Caribbean man lowering his face down to Alexander's height. "You, freaked out over a storm and I was just making sure your dumbass didn't hurt yourself" he grumbled.

Alex blinked and turned away, cursing  under his breath, he hated when people seen him like that, broken crying and scared. Yet here they are, his crus- worst enemy spent the whole night with him as he sobbed and screamed.

Thomas placed a gently hand on Alexanders shoulder, making him pull away from his thoughts. "It's fine, I won't tell anyone" Thomas whispered quietly and rubbed curled into the mans shoulder. Alexander couldn't help but to break, tears was stinging at the corners of his eyes and begging to be let go.

Alex turned to Thomas and buried his face into the mans chest, letting himself untangle and break down onto Thomas. Thomas took it well and carefully picked the man up, walking over to the middle of the main room and sitting down on a bean bag chair, putting the Caribbean boy in his lap.

Alexander latched onto him and cried into his shoulder, his arms lacing together behind the mans neck. Thomas stayed here and held the man, rubbing circles into his back and whispering sweet things into his ear until he finally calmed down after about 20 minutes .

Alexanders heart rate calmed down and his breathing settled as he just laid limp on the Virginians lap. "My town was destroyed by a hurricane" he mumbled blankly, his days closed and his cheek squished against the mans wet shoulder. "My brother and all my my friends died, I was left alone to die" he said coldly, his hose nuzzling against   the latte  colored skin.

"Just years before that my mother died of a sickness, that almost killed me aswell" he vented, blinking away tears that gathered up. Thomas held the man and rocked him gently, rubbing his back and letting him vent, of course he didn't have much of reactions to it.

"And  before that my abusive father left us to die and fend and work for ourself, just me and my mom and my brother" he whispered, relaxing into the man that rocked him back and forth. "After that I had to write essays and papers just to get here into America" he sighed.

"Mr. Washington is my adoptive father but I made him act like he didn't know me" he said slightly regretting it but hell he might aswell tell Thomas that since he knows everything else.

Thomas nodded a bit and brushed a strand of hair out of the mans face and behind his ear, placing a small loving kiss to the mans  forehead. "Hey Thomas" the boy whispered quietly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips which confused the Virginian.

"Yup?" He popped the p, glancing down at the red faced boy that had been looking back down at him now.

"You know when we was fighting- and I" he cut himself off and reached up threading his fingers in the curly hair of the other man and tugging it down, tangling the mans head with him.

Thomas gasped and bit his bottom lip to hold back s moan, his eyes closing tightly and his head turned away from Alexander. "So you do have a hair pulling kink!" The boy laughed out loud and shifted his position so he could straddle Thomas instead of laying in an uncomfortable position.

"D--do not-! Shut the fuck yo Hamilton" he tugged the mans hand out of his hair and glared, his face a dark red which was rather cute since it's almost always impossible to see a blush on a mixed persons face.

"Oh yea? Then you wouldn't mind if I-?" He reached up and grabbed the mans hair again, tugging it back to expose his enemies neck. Thomas arched his back slightly and let a low groan out, he didn't bother fighting back against it because it felt so,,,good.

Alexander laughed and slid off the mans lap letting go of his hair, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the mans forehead not caring if he protested against it. "Don't worry we all have it kinks" he giggled softly and walked back into his room to gather his stuff so he could finally get to breakfast and see his vain friends, but of course Phillip and john first because they're the closest to him after all.

I figured I should update this

Finna- go back and fix all the horrible typos in this book because I'm cringing

Word count: 1026

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