4/Operation Snooze (Feat GOD)/

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"Hurry up, Hyung!" Taehyung urged.

"You hurry up!" Suga snarled.

"I'm way ahead of all of you, you BOTH hurry your asses up!" I scolded.

"Who the hell does she think she is, coming here taking all the fun..." Suga mumbled, loud enough for me to here.

I halted from running for a second. "It wasn't MY choice was it, Snow White?"


"SHHHHHH! Guys we're here!" Jimin whispered.

The security room's door was open and all of us peeked in carefully and quietly in. Jong Goo was leaned back on his chair, legs on desk, sleeping. His position was dangerously close to him meeting with the hard cold floor. I silently prayed to myself that there would be some kind of drink but to my disappointment there wasn't. I could feel all the boy's faces falling too. We silently steeped back from the door to think of something.

"Is he a fan of BTS? Maybe we can ask him politely to let us stay?" JIMIN asked, innocently.

"Yeah no, I don't think so.... " Namjoon said softly, rubbing his chin.

"Wait! What if WE make the DRINK?" Hoseok said excitedly. "Then he drinks it and do the ZZZZZZs." Honestly he is adorable.

"So a drink would magically appear in front of him and he wouldn't be the least freaked out?" Namjoon asked skeptically.

"Maybe he would get scared and run away leaving us! That's great isn't it??" Hoseok said smiling.

"Then he calls someone and gets our asses in trouble." Namjoon told him, leaving Hoseok sad and disappointed.

"Do you believe in God?"


"The hell?" Suga asked, confused.

"I said, Do you believe in God?" Jungkook repeated.

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

Suga shook his head slowly "I knew dat boy was crazy from the momen-"

"Hyung! I'm saying maybe he believes in God! We can make the drink and pretend like God gave it to him!" Jungkook exclaimed.

Everyone looked shook but for some reason I had on a straight face and was actually thinking about the idea.

"Could work." I mumbled.

"What was that, Sleeping Beauty?" Suga asked me, raising one of his eyebrows.

"I said, it could work, Salt White." I fired back.


"HYUNG! Maybe it could work!" Taehyung backed me and jungkook up.

"Y'all kids are crazy like," He turned to Namjoon. "Are you hearing this?!?"
But Namjoon looked at him serious. "Honestly doesn't sound the bad of an idea."

Suga couldn't believe it. He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. "What have you done with my boys?!? You monster princess!" He accused while violently shaking my shoulders. "Maybe they're tired of your salty ass?" Well, damn why'd I just do dat?

Suga squinted his eyes at me and backed away slowly. "You're lucky your a girl..." He growled, his voice faint and deep. That was actually kinda hot but I was too busy pissing my pants out of fear. Never doing that again.

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