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Name: Natalia Woods {preferred to be called Nat}

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Face Claim: Camila Cabello

Personality: Nat is always happy and smiling

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Personality: Nat is always happy and smiling. She also has one of the most sarcastic attitudes ever. Although she's happy, she's normally sad when she's alone, due to her depression and anxiety

Hobbies: Drawing and singing

Backstory: Nat was just a normal girl growing up. Always happy. But then she hit the age of thirteen. She started cutting and cutting and cutting. Her mum never understood why she did this to herself. But little did her mum know, her father would abuse her. Physically, mentally, and sexually. So when she was seventeen, she tried committing suicide and her mum sent her to St. Luis hospital


Other: Her nationality is Australian

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