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Character name: Lane Karachi

Age: 14

Talents: Robotics, reading, writing, and singing

Gender: Female

Crush: Hiro Hamada

Pets: A kitten named Crescent

Personality: Lane is the type of girl you would call sweet, innocent, and bubbly

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Personality: Lane is the type of girl you would call sweet, innocent, and bubbly. She's very hard to get mad at and rarely ever gets mad. Lane never understands dirty jokes, due to her innocence, and tends to get flustered when anyone compliments her

Backstory: Lane had a terrible childhood, so she always had to he positive. She was in an orphanage from the time she was 11 when she was adopted by a couple that couldn't have children. From then on, she's the happiest girl you'd ever meet

Other: Looks-

Other: Looks-

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