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Name: Lila Jacobs

Age: Depends on rp

Gender: Female

Sexual preference: Straight

Theme song: Clarity by Zedd (nightcore version)

Personality: Lila is the exact definition of purity and innocence. She's very oblivious to the world

Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, singing


White/blonde long, braided hair, ice blue eyes, white dress with a blue ribbon

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White/blonde long, braided hair, ice blue eyes, white dress with a blue ribbon

Other traits: Lila is almost always happy and very positive

Parents: Mum and dad (Josie and Cade)

Attitude: Lila is very happy and positive

What makes them unique?: Nothing ever gets to Lila. Anyone can say anything to her,  fat, stupid, dumb, it doesn't effect her

Background: Lila had grown up with a very strict family in Australia. She had learned to be happy and positive instead of sad and depressed all the time

Flaws: Anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD

Fears: The dark, heights, being alone, clowns, insects

Perks: Happiness

Password: @LeFangirl357 @Wolfpowers2151 @AnjelIsMe

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