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Name: "My name? It's Eleanor Bareillie. Call me Ellie."

Age: "Um..." {Depends on roleplay}

Sexuality: "H-huh?" {Straight}

Gender: "I-I'm a girl."

Species: "Human."


Personality: "W-what?" {Ellie is very innocent in case you couldn't tell

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Personality: "W-what?" {Ellie is very innocent in case you couldn't tell. She's not one for personal questions or asking her questions that are inappropriate. It's not that she doesn't like it, she just doesn't understand}

Likes: "I like to sing and draw. I also like sweets!" *giggles*

Dislikes: "I don't like spicy things. They mess up my stomach."

Strengths: "I'm a fast learner. And I can understand things quickly. Oh wait. Those are the same things." *giggles*

Weaknesses: "Heights. The dark. Spiders. Bees. Anything that's high in the air, any insects, or anything scary-you name it-I can't stand."

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