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Name: Lane Karachi

Age: 16

D. O. B: The 23 of September {which is also my birthday irl}

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Personality: Lane is what you would call a bubbly teenager with the kindest heart you've ever met. She's very hard to get mad at and never gets mad. Lane never understands dirty jokes, due to her innocence, and whenever someone flirts with her-especially Lance-she gets rather flustered

Likes: Singing, being happy, her friends, drawing, reading, writing, adventure

Dislikes: Bullies, jerks, being alone


Friends: All of the Paladins, Coran, and Allura

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Friends: All of the Paladins, Coran, and Allura

Paladin of: Violet

Guardian: Storms

Home planet: Earth

Origin: Lane grew up in Sydney, Australia in a fairly wealthy family. She was sent to Garrison at 14 where she quickly became friends with Lance {crush} Pidge, and Hunk. And so on afterwards

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