chapter sixteen: waking up

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She was slipping in and out of unconsciousness. Her head was pounding from hitting it on the rock. Amanda let everything go black, slipping into unconsciousness as Eric came over to her.

"'Manda, you okay?" Eric asked as he knelt by Amanda's side.

Amanda had heard him and mentally answered no.

She could see very little when she went brought into the hospital in Simon's arms and could see the room that she was brought to by the doctors until everything went completely black.


Amanda was dimly aware of two people holding her hands. She could hear sniffles coming from someone and it was Alesha crying because she had to excuse herself from wherever Amanda was.

"Come on, 'Manda. Please wake up. You've been unconsious for four weeks now. Alesha's in tears right now because you're not waking up yet," she heard someone, Simon, say to her. "Please wake up."

I'm going to try, Amanda thought. She attempted to open her eyes but it was like her eyelids were glued shut. She couldn't open her eyes at all. It was impossible.

"I feel like you can hear me, 'Manda. Like you're understanding what I'm saying. If you can hear me, I want you to know this, I'm in love with you, Amanda. I've been in love with you since we met in Alesha's classroom that first week of school," Simon admitted. Amanda could imagine how red his face was and it almost made her laugh although she couldn't. She couldn't make a sound.

"Please wake up soon, Amanda. I miss you. Alesha misses you and so do your students," Simon continued. He was rambling, trying to talk to Amanda and fill the silence of wherever she was.

"I want to tell you something again, Amanda. I have a crush on you. If you wake up, I'm going to tell you and ask you to be my girlfriend," Simon said.

Wait, Amanda thought, I thought I was your girlfriend or was that a dream?

"I think that the doctor said that you could be living in an alternate reality while you're unconscious and until you get in an accident were you go unconsious, you won't wake up here until you go unconsious there. I hope that I'm in that reality with you and I'm dating you," Simon rambled, trying to fill the silence again.

You were dating me, Amanda mentally answered. And it was the best thing that's ever happened to me since Chris died five years ago.

"I wish you could tell me what's happening to you in that reality. If we were dating, if we shagged. All of that stuff," Simon said. "I want to kiss you, Amanda but I know that it's wrong with you just laying on that hospital bed uncounciouss."

Please kiss me! Amanda mentally said. I would love it!

"Oh, screw it. I'm going to kiss you," Simon said and Amanda felt him lean and felt him kiss her forehead. "Alesha would've just gone crazy with the fact that I kissed your forehead. I think she wants us to be a couple if you wake up."

Amanda heard her heart monitor start to beep faster and it was her reaction to Simon kissing her.

"Crap! What did I do? Your heart monitor is going crazy, 'Manda," Simon said, worried he had done something to make Amanda's heart monitor go crazy. In a way, he did do something to make the monitor beep quickly by kissing Amanda's forehead.

Amanda heard someone come in and felt a stethoscope go down what she was wearing and felt her heart beat.

"It's normal. Something just happened to her that she liked," a doctor said. "If she's in the alternate reality, she was probably just kissed by someone that she has a crush on."

"Is she in an alternate reality?" Amanda heard Simon ask.

"It's possible but we won't know until she wakes up. If she does," the doctor responded and Amanda heard footsteps leave her bedside and most likely go out the door.

"Did you like me kissing you or something, 'Manda?" Simon asked, taking his hand in Amanda's hand so they were clasped together.

Yes, Amanda replied mentally. I wish you would kiss my lips though.

"Please wake up, Amanda. I need you in my life again, joking around with me, being sarcastic with me, and making me blush," Simon said. "Please, just squeeze my hand."

Amanda focused all of the energy in her body on squeezing Simon's hand and she succeeded. She had squeezed Simon's hand and heard him gasp.

Amanda attempted to open her eyes again and found that she could. She was in a different hospital room than the one she had been brought into. In the alternate reality she had been in.

Simon had his head bowed in hope that Amanda was waking up. She tapped on his hand with her pinky finger and he looked at her.

"Amanda? You're awake!" Simon had become excited quickly. "I've got to tell Alesha! She's in hysterics because of you."

Amanda shrugged her shoulders. She couldn't help it that Alesha was in hysterics because of her.

She could see the tube that was connected to ventilator that was helping her to breath and knew that she was no longer in the alternate reality she had been in previously. Amanda squeezed Simon's hand again and received the same result.

"You're really awake and I'm not dreaming that you are!" Simon said. "Oh my God."

Amanda gave him a smile, a least what she could because of the tube that was helping her to breathe.

"I think we can freak out Alesha sometime soon. When she comes back in, you should pretend to be uncounciouss still and tap her hand with your finger, like you did with me to prove that you are really awake," Simon said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Amanda smiled again and nodded.

"Then you have to tell me if you were in a dream while you were unconscious here," Simon said.


Hey guys! So here is the massive plot twist that I was planning! I hope that you were surprised by it as I think you probably were. Happy New Years guys! I hope that you are going to have a good 2018 and make it better than 2017.

2017 sucked for most people, which is why 2018 is always amazing in my fanfictions. What did you like about this chapter? What do you think will happen next? Bye until the next chapter!

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