Heartbreak Part.2

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Sooo.. part two, I hope you enjoy it, please tell me any improvements I could make. So the you go! *gestures at book awkwardly*

Warnings: Blood, crying, sadness ;-;


Recap: "Not now, idiot." Patton croaked, "Leave me alone."

3rd P.O.V

Roman snatched his hand back in disbelief, he looked at Logan for help. The smartest trait looked deep into the sad eyes of Patton and said, "Let us help you." As he waited for a response from Morality, heart in his throat, he shakily edged his hands closer. Finally Patton sniffed and whispered, "How can you help?"

Virgil then took a deep breath in, and said something he'd never thought he'd say, "I know how it feels like to be so sad that you want it to stop, just wishing that you ceased to exist, for the pain to simply stop.  But let me ask you, Patton, has any of this killed you?" Patton hesitantly answered his weird question, "No it hasn't." But it almost did, Morality thought to himself. Suddenly flashbacks of the agony and torture he had went through came back to him, but he fought against the memories, confidence slowly spreading through his body. But he couldn't help a small wiper escape him. Roman and Logan wondered where this conversation was leading them to. They glanced at Virgil as he finally put his hand on Patton's shoulder and said, "Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

Romans eyes lit up as he quietly added, "Stand a little taller, doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone." And to everyone's surprise Logan started quietly singing, "What doesn't kill you makes a fighter, footsteps even lighter..." He clasped Patton's bloody hand with his (careful not to dig the glass shards any deeper into Morality's hands), and rose to his feet, pulling Patton with him.

Soon, everyone was singing loudly as they sealed Morality's wounds. Roman and Virgil distracted him with cookies, while Logan slowly pulled the shards of glass from the fatherly trait's arms and hands. Roman created another new set of clean clothes for Morality, identical to the ones he usually wears. Virgil gave Patton a new cardigan to put around his shoulders, the darker trait hugged Patton as a greatful  smile tugged at the Dad's lips. Finally Logan handed Patton a spare pair of glasses. Then they all marched confidently down the corridor to clean Patton's room, arms linked and singing loudly, smiles like crest moons stamped onto their faces.

Meanwhile, outside the Mindspace, Thomas was now humming the song to himself as he cleaned his room, sealing his heart together, and making it stronger. He smiled against Depression's efforts to make him (of course) depressed again. A peaceful aura floated around all the traits, but a small fragment of sadness remained. After all, some sadness still lingers after every Heartbreak.


Annnnnnd... done, sorry if it's so small and has a very obvious and weird cliché, but I couldn't help it :P .

Here's the link to the song I referenced-> https://youtu.be/Xn676-fLq7I

So... yeah,

Bye bye, ya queer sack of potatoes!

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