Chapter 6

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 (Y/N) was eager to get his experiments started, however he had at least today left before he finally got some free days, today was combat class with Glynda the Sith was pleased to fight some of his 'fellow' students.

"At last, a chance to test the mettle of these, aspiring warriors and perhaps find some strong allies" (Y/N) said, as he sat in the stands with his classmates.

(Y/N) sat and watched as Glynda walked into the center of the arena, holding a scroll detailing the assembled students.

"The first match for today shall be... Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc!" she said, setting up the match.

An image of the two combatants faces appeared along with a coloured bar, both bars were green as the two students left the room to change into their gear.

After a short few minutes they returned, Ruby in her usual red and black attire with her scythe strapped to her back, Jaune was wearing his armour and carrying his sword and shield he did not look confidant.

"Go Ruby!" Yang yelled.

"Do your best!" Blake called, wait did her bow just twitch?

"Ruby! If you lose I'll be so furious with you!" Weiss yelled.

"When are you not furious with her?" the Sith asked playfully.

"Oh, quiet you!" she said, turning her gaze back to the fight.

"You can do it Jaune!" Nora yelled, Ren sat beside her quietly.

"Good luck Jaune!" Pyrrha said, waving enthusiastically, however her enthusiasm was short lived when she saw Jaune looking at Weiss and not her.

"Fool..." (Y/N) said to himself, truly that boy must be one hell of a fool if he could ignore such obvious affection like that.

"Let the match... Begin!" miss Goodwitch said, a horn sounded and the two combatants readied their weapons, Ruby took Crescent rose of her belt in gun form and shot at Jaune he screamed and jumped out of the way landing in a mess, he tried to stand back up but Ruby instantly dashed over and delivered a powerful blow to his chest with the back of her scythe, sending the blonde knight flying before crashing in a heap yet again.

His bar had gone down to yellow in only a few strikes, making the Sith feel disgusted.

Jaune stood up and picked up his sword and shield, he yelled and ran towards Ruby who stood and waited, when he got close he tried to swing and hit her but she easily dodged slamming the blade of her scythe into the ground, she then did a series of impressive flips and twirls on top of her scythe before giving a strong kick to his shield with both feet.

She hit the shield so hard it retracted on his arm and popped off again, the other student's laughed except for the two teams and one Sith who was getting more and more disappointed.

"How has he not been eaten already?" (Y/N) asked himself quietly.

Jaune was panting hard trying to catch his breath, meanwhile Ruby looked calm and collected, a confidant smile on her lips as her silver eyes watched Jaune intently, the Sith was slowly starting to respect her sure she was pretty young but she was indeed skilled.

"You okay Jaune? Need a break?" Ruby asked, Jaune looked up still breathing hard.

"No... I-I'm fine, I'm still going to win!" he said before charging again with a loud yell.

Ruby just effortlessly flipped Crescent Rose and smacked him over the head with it, he went down like a sack of potatoes dropping his equipment as he lost consciousness.

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