Chapter 23

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I sat up in my bed quickly, then I looked around confused, I got up and got dressed in my robes and left my personal chambers to find the others, I walked through the base until I saw HK overseeing the breaking of the White Fang members, I stopped next to HK and he must have noticed my odd state.

"QUERY; Are you feeling well, Master? You seem rather confused" HK asked me.

"I'm fine HK, just had an odd dream is all" I said as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"CURIOUS PROMPT; Really? Would you mind telling me this dream you had, Master?" HK asked me.

"Well I dreamed that after we had brought the prisoners back, that we were visited by a Gungan calling himself Jar Jar Binks, and that he wanted to join us in our conquest of Remnant" I said, remembering how amusing it seemed to have a Gungan working with us.

"CONFUSED STATEMENT; Master, as far as I know, there are no Gungans on this planet, both the Empire and the Republic don't have them onboard their ships, since they do not wish to communicate with Humans, especially those on their home planet of Naboo" HK said, very matter of factly.

"I'm well aware of that HK, it was just a dream, we should be more focused on our operations right now" I said as I looked over the Faunas, all of them were fitted with shock collars and looked exhausted and in pain, I guess the men had been working on them as I slept.

"CONFIRMATION; Agreed, I shall endeavour to proceed with the plan" HK said as he shocked a Faunas, making him groan in pain and fall to his knees on the ground, gasping for breath in pain, I then looked at a screen on a monitor and saw that girl Neo was still unconscious in her cell.

"Excellent, I will be going to Beacon to keep up appearances, keep me informed of anything that may arise, inform me especially, if she wakes" I said with a smile as I pulled up my hood and walked away, going back to the academy.

"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; Yes Master, I shall keep you informed" HK said as I left the base, walking through the Emerald Forest towards Vale, a smirk on my face under my hood.


Pyrrha was in the changing room of the Combat Class, changing into her battle attire for a match against the members of team CRDL, she pulled up the armour of her right leg for her knee and shin and secured it in place, she then picked up her bronze gorget and secured it around her neck, she then picked up her bronze circlet and looked at her reflection in the polished metal.

"I look forward to teaching those fools a lesson, perhaps they will think twice about their bullying after this..." Pyrrha said, her emotions swirling within her, she looked to her reflection in her circlet, her eyes were a sickly yellow colour, with dark circles under her eyes she gasped and dropped her circlet.

"Wh-What...?" she said in a shocked voice as she touched her face, she knelt down and picked up the circlet again and looked at her reflection again, she was greeted by her normal, emerald green eyes and her normal complexion, she touched her face in confusion before she sighed in relief.

"I guess I need to get to sleep a little earlier" Pyrrha said to herself as she raised up her circlet and placed it over her head, the band resting in her long, red hair.

She then picked up Milo and Akouo and started to walk out of the locker room, her stride filled with confidence as she walked into the arena where her four opponents were waiting for her, Cardin had a cocky smirk on his face as he saw her approach, thinking that he had the advantage since it was his entire team against her.

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