Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of my room above me as I laid in my bed I tried to move but felt something warm on the right side of my body, I smiled as I remembered last night and I turned and saw Pyrrha sleeping peacefully next to me her head and arm were resting on my chest and I felt her legs tangled in my own.

I knew that I had a busy day today, Ozpin would insist that he get to test my Semblance this week probably hoping I would be his weapon against the Grimm, I heard Pyrrha moan in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open before suddenly snapping wide as she looked at me.

"Good morning Pyrrha" I said in a seductive voice.

"Ah! I-I-I-I'm so s-sorry (Y/N)!" Pyrrha stutters as she tried to untangle her limbs from mine only to fall out of the bed with a loud thump, I sat up and looked over the edge of the bed to see Pyrrha sprawled out on the floor with the night shirt she borrowed riding up exposing her red panties and her naval, she groaned slightly as she laid on the floor before sitting up with a crimson blush on her face.

"You alright?" I asked with a smirk, it was very funny watching her reaction when I did stuff like this, she quickly pulled the shirt down to cover what was showing and got back up onto her feet with her face still bright red.

"Y-yes, I-I'm fine, thanks!" Pyrrha said before zooming into the bathroom and slamming the door shut before locking it, I smiled at how she was acting and got out of my bed and looked over to HK47 who was still standing by the doorway on guard.

"GREETING; Good morning Master, I trust you slept well with the female meat-bag so close to yourself, I understand males of the organic species have a love of contact with female skin" HK47 said as he turned to look at the locked bathroom door that Pyrrha was hiding behind.

"Indeed, she has quite the athletic physique, very good for a warrior and very good to the touch" I replied with a smirk.

"COMMENT; I shall have to take your word for it Master, with my lack of touch I cannot ascertain how soft and yielding her flesh might be, although I could always try testing it with a vibroknife..." HK said in a sinister voice.

"I would not advise it HK, she's far to entertaining to do things like that to, but we can go into the city below to find some fun for ourselves, I hear that the criminal cartels here are always good for some bloodshed" I said with a evil chuckle, Ruby and Weiss had told me about some of the crimes the White Fang had orchestrated, I don't think anyone would mind if a few of them went missing...

I dressed myself in my (F/C) Sith Robes and pulled up my hood just as Pyrrha stepped out of the bathroom, she had her school uniform on ready for classes and her hair was tied back into her usual ponytail.

"H-Here's your nightshirt back, (Y/N)" Pyrrha stuttered shyly as she passed the shirt over to me, I took it and put it in one of my drawers when there was a knock on my door.

"OBSERVATION; It would appear you have a visitor Master, shall I exterminate them for the disturbance?" HK47 asked me as he pulled out his blaster rifle and aimed it towards the door, Pyrrha looked at the droid wide eyed and was prepared to use her polarity to stop it from causing harm to a student.

"That will be unnecessary HK, I'll answer the door and see what they want" I replied and I could swear I saw his shoulders slump in disappointment, I opened the door and there stood Yang along with her sister Ruby.

"Hey (Y/N), how's the ribs?" Yang asked cheerfully.

"Much better, I'm back at 100% and ready to fight again" I replied in a confidant tone of voice.

"That's great, sooo I was wondering if you'd like to-" Yang was saying before she was interrupted.

"OBSERVATION; Are you going to stay here all day, female meat-bag? I do believe that you have classes today, and my Master is quite busy" HK47 said to Pyrrha who looked like she was trying to hide.

"Hey you rust bucket, classes don't start for another hour so lay off" Yang said in an annoyed voice.

"Relax Yang, he wasn't talking to you" I said as I saw Pyrrha get worried.

"Really?" Yang asked in a confused voice.

"If he wasn't talking to Yang, then who was he talking about?" Ruby asked curiously.

"He was talking to Pyrrha" I said simply.

After I said that Pyrrha walked out from behind me with a blush on her face as she looked down, Yang went wide eyed and her jaw nearly hit the floor while Ruby smiled at Pyrrha who now stood beside me.

"Hello Pyrrha! Fancy seeing you here" Ruby said with a cheerful smile, Yang also had a smile but it seemed a little strained.

"I-I see... so Pyrrha w-what were you doing here so early in the morning?" Yang asked through her teeth as her eyes flashed red briefly.

"ANSWER; The female meat-bag spent the night here with the master, it was an interesting evening for the two of them" HK said.

"W-Wait! You mean you two have been fuc-" Yang begins before she's interrupted again.

"N-NO! Nothing like that happened, I just slept over with him and HK, that's all!" Pyrrha said in a high pitched voice.

"CONFUSED QUERY; What about when you kissed the Master on the lips? Does that not count as something happening amongst organics?" HK asked.

The silence after that sentence was deafening, Pyrrha looked mortified that she had been ratted out and now had a big blush on her face from being found out, Ruby looked between Yang, Pyrrha and I with wide eyes and Yang seemed to be frozen in place with that strained smile still on her face as her brow twitched in annoyance.

"I think it's best if you go Pyrrha, I'll talk to you another time, okay?" I said as I looked back at Pyrrha who was watching Yang carefully.

"O-Okay... goodbye (Y/N)" Pyrrha said before running away, I looked back and saw Yang glaring daggers at where Pyrrha was last before looking back at me with hurt in her lilac eyes.

"S-So you and P-Pyrrha, huh? W-When did you two start d-dating?" she asked as she tried to keep her voice from cracking, I could tell she was feeling hurt and angry and it made me feel bad, so I decided to tell her the truth.

"We're not dating Yang, she was worried about leaving me alone when I'd been hurt and she stayed over for the night that's all, and as for the kiss well... I guess she just wanted to feel a little bit better since Jaune's being an idiot" I replied, Yang seemed a little relieved that I said we weren't dating yet she still seemed angry about the fact that Pyrrha kissed me.

"Okay fine, I wanted to ask if you wanted to walk to classes with Ruby and me?" Yang asked me.

"Sure, I'd be happy to come along" I said as I walked out of the door, followed by HK47 who shut and locked the door behind him.

"Hello HK47, how are you today?" Ruby asked the tall robot curiously.

"ANSWER; I am doing well little red meat-beg, although I do wish that my master would allow me to exterminate some of the fools that walk the halls of this academy..." HK said in what seemed like a dejected voice.

"If I allowed you to do that HK, there would only be like ten of us left in the entire academy, but we'll both be able to show our strength when the time comes..." I said as I thought about the upcoming battles, I knew I had to also improve my Semblance if I wanted to be able to gain control of Grimm like that Goliath or other powerful Grimm.

We walked through the halls to our next class, when we arrived I ordered HK47 to remain outside and watch for trouble, I just walked into Grimm Studies when Professor Port stopped me.

"Ah, Mr. (L/N), Headmaster Ozpin has excused you from classes for special training by himself and Professor Goodwitch, you are to report to Beacon Tower immediately" he said causing the students to start whispering to each other, I looked over and saw that Yang looked a little disappointed that I wasn't going to be in classes with her anymore.

I turned and walked out of the classroom to find HK47 standing opposite the door watching the halls carefully, he saw me exit the class and walked over to me.

"CHIDING STATEMENT; My, my it would appear classes are much shorter for the students here than back in out little corner of the galaxy, what did you learn today Master?" HK said in a mocking voice, I smiled a little at his wit I really missed having him around.

"Apparently I've been excused from classes for the foreseeable future, Ozpin wants me to practice my Semblance under his and Professor Goodwitch's instruction" I said back to the tall droid.

"STATEMENT; I see... well I suppose we should go along and find him and this Goodwitch person, although anyone with good in their name is usually in my 'must kill' criteria for organic meat-bags" HK said as he fell in step beside me, we walked out of the school building and went to the tower riding the elevator up to Ozpin's office, when it arrived at the top of the tower HK and I stepped out of the elevator and we walked to stand in front of the desk in Ozpin's office.

"Ah, Mr. (L/N) you've arrived, and it would appear you have brought your robot along with you" Ozpin said as he glanced at HK briefly.

"Indeed I did Ozpin, if I remember right we are starting to test out my semblance am I right?" (Y/N) said back with a confidant grin on his face.

"Yes, I am curious as to how you control the Grimm as you do, and who knows perhaps with some practice and training you will be able to take control of larger Grimm, such as that Goliath that wounded you so badly" Ozpin said with a serious look on his face, beside him Glynda looked at me with a look of suspicion, I could tell that she believed that I could be very dangerous if I was able to gain control of such powerful Grimm.

However I chose to ignore this as my grin fell at the mention of the Goliath and I felt a deep rage begin to burn in my being, I felt the familiar surge of power flow through my arms and saw sparks dance across my fingers I clenched my fists tightly causing my knuckles to crack loudly catching the attention of Glynda and Ozpin who were watching me carefully.

"We will run these tests in the Emerald Forest, we already know you can gain control of Beowolves, Ursa and Boarbatusks, I wonder if you could do the same with other Grimm such as a Nevermore or a King Taijitsu" Ozpin said as he pulled up images of the two Grimm.

With that the four of us left Ozpin's office and went to the Emerald Forest to practice my Semblance.

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