You're Sending Me Where?

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"Get out of here you little monster!" I screamed at my annoying little 6 year old sister, Carli. She was running around our house with my lacy pink bra on her head...Again.  I chased her down the winding staircase of my four-story house.  I dashed behind her through the indoor pool and in our home movie theater, and I still couldn't keep up with her.


Carli was the kind of six-year-old with endless amounts of energy. She could live off 5 hours of sleep a night, and be like the energizer bunny the next day, making it even more impossible for me to catch her. Aside from her craziness, she was adorable, like any other six-year-old. She was short, with dark brown hair, which she always wore in two pig-tails on either side of her head. She had glasses that magnified her bright blue orbs, and always wore those adorable sundresses that we all wish we could still fit in to. Overall, she was a little monster, but I loved her anyways.


"NaNa NaBooBoo!" she sang at the top of her lungs, "Catch me if you can!"


School was almost out, in fact, finals were next week. I couldn't believe I was concluding my sophomore year already. Where did the time go? It's been nearly a year and i've been craving those endless summer nights. I just wanted to have nice, relaxed summer, spent with my best friend, Brooke Walters.


Brooke and I had been inseparable since we were born. I mean, our mothers had been best friends since high school, so I guess we were expected to be best friends. And its not like I could hate her or anything, everyone loved Brooke. Plus, she was my neighbor. Brooke and I definitely knew each other way to well. For example, her favorite color is maroon, she loves classical music, She's very sarcastic and cynical, and has a fear of lobsters. She was about a medium height with blond hair and blue eyes. Brooke definitely got a lot of attention from guys as well.


"Get over here!" I screamed, still trying to catch Carli. We ran around the house, weaving in and out of chairs, coffee tables, and anything else that stood in our way. It was 5:30pm and my mom should've been home a half an hour ago.


My mother, Anna, was a short, slender, middle aged woman. She had short brown hair, that cut off just above her shoulders. My mother always wore cute outfits, like an old lady trying to be young, but it suited her. She didn't come across as trashy or anything, she just wished she was twenty again.  My mom was a very sweet lady, but could have a very edgy side when she wanted to and she would rarely take no for an answer.


As soon as the thought crossed my mind, my mom burst through the door. "I'm home!" she shouted, "Sorry I'm late. Ali, I have a wonderful surprise for you!"


Oh no. My mother's surprises were never good. The last time she told me she had a "surprise" for me, was when she told one of her friends, the Smithsons, I could babysit they're children for the whole summer. And they hadn't even payed me! My mom told them I was doing it "out of the goodness of my heart." Yeah. Okay. That was deffinetly no surprise. Therefore,I was not looking forward to what she was about to say.


"I'm coming!" I shouted back, emerging from our giant loft. Carli had lost me a few minutes ago, so I decided to give up chasing her altogether. There was no point, I would never catch that demon. I dragged my feet into the kitchen, where my mom was now sitting on a stool, drinking her lemon and herb tea. I did not want to hear what she was about to say.


"So sweetie, how was your da-"


"Mom, can you please just get to the point?" I was not in the mood for this lets-try-to-act-all-nice-to-Ali-before-I-tell-her-news-that-will-ruin-her-summer.

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