Moving In

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Brooke and I arrived in our cabin, setting our luggage down, and looking around. Jakob and Ryan were behind us.

Jakob had been harassing us the whole way there and i resisted the urge to kick him in the balls.

I've got to say, I was surprised. When I opened the door to our cabin, I expected the place to be some shabby, run down, low-budget summer camp. But, what lay in front of my eyes was the exact opposite.

It was actually very spacious with semi-modern furniture. The room we were standing in was the living room which had a long sofa and one love seat, which sat in front of a giant television. To the left was a separate room, the kitchen. It had a counter, a dining table, a refrigerator a dish washer, and cabinets. From the living room, there was a hallway to the right, which i assumed were the bedrooms. I was right. The first door was a room with two twin beds in it, Brooke and I called that one. The second door in the hallway was a very small bathroom, and the third door down the hallway was another room with two twin beds, for Jakob and Ryan.

I could already see the problems we would have all having to share one bathroom.

That was definitely going to be the downfall to this place.

When Brooke and I entered our room, we decided we loved it.

It was an under-the-sea theme, and may seem kind of childish to some people, but to us, it was great. The walls were painted from a midnight blue at the bottom, fading into a sky blue at the top. There was a ship scene that took a up one corner of the room, and various other scenes that took up the walls as well. Then there was the ceiling. The ceiling was painted absolutely beautiful, and it took my breath away. There were all different types of sea creatures that covered the ceiling, making it come to life. The type of artistry was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was breathtaking.

"Wow," Brooke interrupted my thoughts, "I'm Impressed."

"Yeah..." I replied, still lost in thought, and still staring up at the ceiling.

Just then our door slammed open.

"Hey Baby," Jakob smirked. The way he spoke to me was just so...condescending. "You coming to dinner? After that, maybe you'll get some desert," he wagged his eyebrows at me.

"Excuse him," Ryan butted in. "Jakob, get out of here."

I smiled at him, silently thanking him. Ryan smiled back. God what I wouldn't do to that fine piece of-

"So dinner is at seven," Ryan said, interrupting my thoughts,"are you ladies coming?"

The tone Ryan used drew me to him. He was so nice and polite and sensitive. And not to mention totally gorgeous.

"Yeah! I'm starving," Brooke exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too," I added.

"Alright, well see you then," Ryan said before turning around and draggin jakob out the our room by his collar.


It was 6:50, and dinner would start in ten minutes. The boys left early so they wouldn't miss the opening of the buffet.

Typical boys.

Tonight was Taco Night, and I was thrilled. I loved tacos.

"Brooke!" I yelled.

I was standing in the living room, in front of the door, waiting for her to finish getting ready. She had said it was the first night there, so she wanted to make a "good impression" on everyone. In other words, she wanted all the guys checking her out, while she would check them out. I, on the other hand, didn't care. I was in shorts and a t-shirt.

"Coming!" She yelled back, her voice was muffled.

Just then, opened the door and I could hear her heeled shoes walking down the hallway.

Oh brother.

Two seconds later she stood in front of me. She did a spin, signaling me to tell her how she looked. She was wearing short denim shorts, a lavender flowy top and a gold necklace to match, and beige heeled shoes. Her hair was all done, and her makeup was flawless. felt like I was going clubbing or something.

"Is this really necessary?" I didn't mean to ask out loud.

"What, you don't like it?" She asked, sounding devastated.

"No, you look great, trust me, but we're at a summer camp..." I trailed off, hoping that wouldn't need any further explanation.

"Whatevs," Brooke replied, clearly not mad.

We dropped the conversation and turned to walk out the door. The buffet would be starting any minute and I didn't want to be late, and get all the picked-over food.

We walked out of our cabin, making sure we grabbed our keys. Brooke and I followed the long stone trail that led to the main dining hall. We took this time to look around the camp a bit. There were about one hundred identical cabins, just like ours, that went on for what seemed like miles.

I opened the giant double doors to the dining hall and we went in. My eyes immediately went to the huge buffet that lined two of the four walls. It had just about every food imaginable.

I scanned my eyes around the room and spotted Ryan. He caught me looking at him, and waved us over. I glanced next to him and saw Jakob leaning against a table, talking to two girls. I then saw the two sluts both take out a piece of paper and scribble, what I assumed to be their numbers, on it.


There was really no where else to sit, and we didn't want to look like loners on the very first day, so Brooke and I started walking in their direction when I heard a voice from behind me.

Whatever, it was probably just my imagination.

"Ali!" I heard it again.

I spun my head around to see Jason with his group of equally attractive guys.

Totally hot, down to earth guy, or arrogant jackass who is a complete player...hmmm...

I grabbed Brooke by the arm, and we started to make our way towards Jason and his friends. We both walked across the room and I didn't bother to look over my shoulder at Ryan and Jakob.


Short chapter, I know.

But this is my second update this weekend! that deserves some votes right?;D

Well I added a cast, let me know what ya think(:



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