No Longer Doubting Sunset Springs

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"Thank you for flying Delta! Please exit to the tunnel on your left. Have a nice day!" The over-excited flight attendant chirped.


Our flight had just ended and I was exausted. We were now walking through the Los Angles Airport, my Aunt Darleen was going to pick us up and take us to her house. She was then going to give us directions to Sunset Springs aka, The Death Camp, and inform us on anything else we needed to know.


"Oh yay, We are finally here! I'm so excited! This summer is going to be great!" Brooke exclaimed. I shoved her playfully and she bumped into a young couple, then glared at me. Why was she happy about this?!


We collected our suitcases and other bags from the luggage conveyor belt thingy, and made our way to the big double doors at the front of the airport.


Just as the doors were opening, and we were about to walk through, I thought I heard someone calling my name behind me. I turned around to spot Jason sprinting through the airport and dodging all the people, to catch up with me. He looked kind of hot when he was sweating...


"Ali wait up!" He shouted, making his way towards me.


Once he caught up with me, I smiled. "Hey Jason," I said flirtatiously, "what's up?"


"Hey! Here," he huffed, obviously out of breath. "Call me if you need know...around the city and"


I looked at him, confused. Then, I looked down and saw him holding out a yellow sticky note, with seven messily written numbers scribbled on it.


I haven't even stepped foot out of the airport, and I'm already picking up guys? Score!


"Thanks," I smiled, "See you around."


I hoped I would see him around. He was one fine piece of-


"Ahem," Brooke cleared her throat. I totally forgot she was standing there. "Now if you two don't mind, we should probably get going...with your aunt waiting and all..." she trailed off.


She was right. I sighed inwardly.


"Bye Ali," he blushed.


"Bye Jason," I replied.


He gave Brooke a quick wave before turning around and walking to the spot where he had dropped his luggage in attempt to catch up to me.


"Really?" Brooke muttered.


"What? Jealousy isn't pretty," I teased. She was just so used to getting all the attention from guys, it was my turn now.


"Whatever," she rolled her eyes and turned away. I knew she wasn't mad, Brooke wasn't like that. It was just the kind of relationship we had.


When we finally walked through the doors, I was immediately taken by the view that lie in front of me. From the warm, summer heat that was like a wave washing over me, to the giant palm trees gently swaying in the wind, to the big ball of light, high in the sky. Everything was so beautiful. I had never seen anything like it.


I looked around, and instantly spotted Aunt Darleen frantically waving in an attempt to get our attention. There she was, jumping around in front of a red pick-up truck, rounder and even more giddy than I remember. Her hair was now even shorter, barely covering her ears, and she had definitely gained weight.


"Oh no," I said under my breath.


"Lord help us," was Brooke's reply.


"Girls! Girls!" She continued to shout, "Over hear!"


When we finally reached her, she greeted us both with giant bear hugs. I gave Brooke a look. One of those thank-god-we-don't-have-to-stay-with-her-all-summer looks.


"You guys are going to have the BEST time here!" She squealed a little to perky for my liking.


"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it..." I trailed off.


"Well we better head on out! you don't want to be late for sign-ins!"


"I thought we were going to your house first?" I questioned.


"Don't be silly! We have to get you there right away!"






"Here we are!" My Aunt practically screamed. Did she ever use her inside voice?


I gave Brooke a look, she was in the back seat, and i was in the passanger one. Then, I looked up, and what I saw amazed me. In front of my eyes was a giant, Victorian Style gate, that read 'Welcome to Sunset Springs." Behind the gate, I could see what seemed to be miles and miles of cabins, all identical. I was surprised. The camp actually looked...nice. I even felt a little excited when I spotted a bunch of other teens my age and older, all at the check-in booth.


"Well go on!" My Aunt insisted, "Like I said before, you don't want to be late! Have safe...and call me if you need anything!"


After unloading our suitcases from the pick-up, Brooke and I waved by to Aunt Darleen, and made our way to check-ins.


I really hoped this summer wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


We taken three steps into the gates, when we heard a voice from behind us. "Hey there, ladies," a guy's voice called.


We both turned around, wondering if he was talking to us. By the way he was standing a foot away, and staring at us expectantly, we assumed he was. At second glance, I noticed how attractive he was. Was every teenage boy here amazingly gorgeous? Taking a quick look around the camp, I answered yes. Note to self: Get a good job, and make enough money to move to California.


This boy was tall with dirty, shaggy, blond hair. He was built very well, with very broad shoulders and the muscles were popping out from under his shirt.  He had a sexy sense of style too, with his light blue Hollister top, and dark jeans, with the top of his red checkered boxers peaking over them. He also had some nice looking eyes.  I looked behind him and saw about four equally attractive males behind him. 


"What are you two doing tonight?" he flirted.  He had an undeniable smirk on his beautifully chiseled face.


All my doubts of this place had officially washed away. Yep, I was going to like it here in Sunset Springs.



Hey guys! hope your liking it so far! it gets way better, trust me(:

and I still need some character ideas  that fit the description!

so just pm me or comment! bye(:

Sunset Springs Summer Camp: Let the Craziness BeginWhere stories live. Discover now