II. You Sure Know How to Kill a Boner

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If only I could be as mature as my twelve-year-old son. He took the talk very well, and it went better than I thought it would. And Trina... Well at least she was trying. As soon as dinner was over and everything was put away, I made sure Jason was safely tucked away in his room with the door closed, and I made sure that Trina was off on her evening jog. It worked as a sort of therapy for her. A time for her to get away and just have a little while to herself. But that was quite alright with me.

Because that just left me and Whizzer. Whizzer and I. Fuck it. Fuck him.

He stands at the sink finishing washing the dishes, and I just can't help myself. I saunter over to him and wrap my arms around his waist from behind. I feel him relax, and I smile, softly.

"You did good tonight, baby," I tell him, running my hands over his hips. "Thanks for cleaning up." I pull him closer to my body and he twists in my grip, smiling, at me.

"Thank you for inviting me," he replies, his grin wide. Whizzer's hands drift up to my face, and he cradles my face in his hands. We're forced to stare at each other for about five seconds before he presses a sweet kiss to my lips. I want more and start to pull him backwards, in the direction of the couch. He stops me for a second and throws the dish towel back on the counter before pushing me backwards, with more force than I was using.

I feel the back of my knees hit the side of the couch and I chuckle, flipping us over and pushing him down onto the couch cushions. He grins up at me and the next thing I know, I'm crawling on top of him. His smile is so disgustingly adorable, and I can't help but smile back. God, I wish I didn't love him. I reach down and begin to unbutton his shirt, kissing and biting at his neck.

"Jason seems like a nice kid," Whizzer tells me, still smiling. I immediately stop what I'm doing and give him a look. He looks up at me, confused. "What?"

"Did you have to mention my son just when we're about to have sex, Whizzer?" I lean back so I'm resting on his hips and cross my arms.

"We were going to have sex?" Whizzer seems generally surprised. "Not just mess around?" I roll my eyes.

"Not anymore. You sure know how to kill a boner," I sigh, rolling off of him. Whizzer sticks his lip out in a pout as he sits up too.

"Well it's true, Marv. Jason seems really nice," he replies, repositioning himself so his legs are curled up under his body. I nod, running a hand through my hair. My son has everyone fooled.


Mendel Weisenbachfeld is interesting person to say the least. He's been my psychiatrist for the past three years and I'm not sure how well it's working to say the least. Convincing Trina to go to see him; however, won't be particularly hard either. If I'm being honest with myself, I know Trina needs to see Mendel. She pretends she's alright with everything happening between me and Whizzer, but I can see she's fragile. What can you expect of a woman? Things like this are very difficult for a dependent housewife who's only ever relied on men like me. So I will do my best to help her out. A simple phone-call will certainly do the trick.


"Trina, hi! It's Marvin. I wanted to talk to you about something." I twirled my finger around the curled phone cord and waited for her response.

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