IV. In Which Whizzer Would "Metaphorically" Kill Marvin

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(If you don't think Marvin's chapters will almost always have a picture of Marvin and Whizzer as the header, you're wrong.)



I roll off of Whizzer, smiling over at him. I collapse next to him, breathing heavily. His eyes are closed and his bare chest is rising and falling like crazy. The satisfying smile on his face is so appealing, I want him to stop making that damn smile. Please God, make him stop. Have pity on a helpless man and make his lover stop it. Whizzer takes in a deep breath and his eyes flutter open like the wings of angels. His fingers curl around my own, and he squeezes my hand gently, smiling over at me.

"Marv?" It only hurts a little when he calls me that. Trina used to call me that.

"Hmm?" I hum, placing my hands underneath my head and staring up at the ceiling. Whizzer is silent for a second, but takes my left hand back down and he begins to work it, squeezing it tightly and letting it go before repeating the process. His nails dig into my palm and I only wince slightly.

"Do you think Jason is going to be okay?" He asks, finally. I snort in reply. That kid is unfazed by everything. He would be fine.

"Yeah, Whiz, don't worry about Jason. He's tough," I reply, yawning. "He's tougher than you think. Trust me, I know from first hand experience." Whizzer nods, reaching up and kissing my jaw, softly.

"You can't blame me for being worried about him though," he adds, lazily. "Perhaps he's holding in things. He just doesn't know how to express them to you or Trina."

"Oh, well, I'm sure you know my son better than I do, Whiz." Whizzer lets go of my hand, the smile dropping off of his face.

"Whatever, asshole." He flips over on his side, facing away from me. I roll my eyes and scoot over so I can wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to my body.

"Whizzer... Come on, you know I appreciate your input." He doesn't reply and I sigh, poking him in the chest. "Whiz..." I kiss his shoulder. His tan, perfect shoulder that I'm so in love with. "Fine, I'll speak to Jason when I get a chance with Trina there. I promise."

Whizzer sighs and turns back around to face me. He entangles our legs and pulls me even closer. He takes my face in his hands and looks into my eyes. It's almost like he's forcing me to look at him. If he was, he'd be wasting his time because I promise I would be looking at him, anyway. No force involved.

"I'm just trying to help, Marv. Don't get mad, okay? You're Jason's dad and I will never, ever try to be a more parenting figure to him than you are. You're my... friend, and I'm here to give you my support and help you do your part in raising him. We all want the same thing; we all want Jason to grow up emotionally and physically healthy. We all know this isn't an ideal childhood for a twelve-year old. Do you know how confused he must be feeling right now? He needs you, his dad, and Trina, his mom, to help him understand what's happening."

"Thank you, Whiz." Whizzer smiles at me and brushes his finger along my jawline, lovingly, in response.

"Don't forget, you're going to Dr. Mendel tomorrow," Whizzer kisses me, sweetly, before settling back down in the whirlpool of covers, and falls asleep with an arm wrapped around my chest. He holds me as though he can't bear to ever let me go. And I clutch him just as tight. How was I lucky enough to find him? What God decided that I was worthy enough to have this man in my grip?

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