Nate and Alex

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Hi guys and gals and here is another chapter with the mini couple of cry and pewds HOPES YOUS ENJOYS


"nay budty le me tell yu somethi, yu are are thu bess brothur ev ever" cry said drunk as hell "yes ryan I know you told me for the hundredth now, Could You Please Get Off Of Me, you stink of alcohol" I asked him and he looked at me

"how did zu know my name?"

I facepalmed my self

"I'm your brother, Alex! help!" I yelled and she grunted "you help me, ggrr no ken bad! don't kiss the outlet!" and I sighed then I heard thumping come from the stair I looked over to see pewds at the bottom "haha I fell" he drunkenly said

I walked over to him "how can you fall down the stair your only have drunk?" I asked him "I had another beer" he told me "Bad Russ No! *whack* No!" I heard Alex scold then came crying.

"ok thats it! who is the least drunk!" I yelled and red came "I *hiccup* I am hahaha" she's drunk "ok then who's car did you guys take to come over here?"

"scott's" everyone drunkenly said

I walked over to him "keys" I asked "ok here" he handed me the keys "ok so ryan pewds sit here while I take drunken crew home" I told the drunk kids and they did

"alex get them in the car" I ordered and she did


everyone was in the car but screaming like babies, I took a deep breath and got into the driver seat and alex in the passenger side. I put my brother's glasses on and fixed my hair. alex did the same but instead put her brother's headphones around her neck.

we looked at each other and nodded then I looked forward and turned the radio on.

starships came on and I blasted the stereos

we stop at a red light "turn right after this light" my phone said and we turned after we past the light. after a few blocks we made it to the hotel. me and alex walked the 8 drunks up to the desk "hi do you have anybody by the name Mashell?" alex asked and the lady said yes "good what room"

we made it up to the 7th floor

"ok guys go to your rooms and they went into the same door something seemed off

"head count"I told alex and she agreed

"1 2 3 4 5 6" thats all we counted dammit lost two. I closed and locked the hotel room and me and my girlfriend walked down the hall "we're on a baby hunt and don't think we don't know how to weed um out" alex said and started laughing hard, I laughed with her but we stopped when the elevator doors opened, out tumbled scott and russ

"I had to pee and and I so I tinkeld right here" scott said me and alex looked at him grossed out.

Alex's pov

(2 hours later)

"finally" me and nate said as we just got pee pants and stubborn into the room now we have to take the elevator down.

we made it down and I went screaming out. "ma'am are you ok?" the desk lady said and I stopped at the desk like I just didn't scream "ya but please clean the elevator head to toe, thanks"

me and nate walked out to the car

"my turn".

we're driving down the street "ok so I am stopping at a store to get aspirin" I said and I turned the blinker on and turned into the store parking lot "I'm surprised that we know how to drive" I said to my boyfriend while walking into the store

"ya we play to much driving games thats why".

we're back into the car after getting two big bottles of aspirin "they see me rollin' they hatin'" I say while looking out the window to drive across the street then pull into the drive way and go back inside

"we're ba-" my eyes widened to see my brother lip locking cry, that part cute but what made me blush and look away was that they were in their boxers. they noticed us and stopped "heh heh hi guys" felix said not as drunk as before, I turned around walked up to my brother and hugged him falling asleep. I guess nathan did the same

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I walked over to nate's room and woke him up "come on lets see if they're awake" we walked over to cry's room no one

we went to my brother's room and saw them awake "good" I said to myself

I ran down stairs and went into the medicine cabinet and grabbed one of the bottles of aspirin and two cups of water

I walk back up

"guys" cry cheered, I gave him two pills and a cup and felix two pills and a cup

I think cry looked confused I didn't know he had his mask on and felix just swallowed the pills and drank the water

then cry raised his mask up and took them anyways

"good night" I said, grabbed nate's hand and walked back to his room and we fell asleep.


I bet your wondering why are 13 year olds driving well they are gameaholics and they played driving simulators in first person so >.> ya


*mini Brofist& mini Cryfive*

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