Chapter 2: Living in Paradise

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Hawkeye could basically say that he's living in paradise because he loves nurses, drinking, and surgery. And he also has good people to hang around with. There are times where he has his ups and downs.

For example, a down time he had was when his dad thought he was dead. And it made him worry what was going on with his dad back home in Maine.

But most of the time he has his ups. He does his usual that makes him happy. Him and his nurses. He always wants to do more then kiss them. Whenever he is with a nurse he would kiss them. And another thing he would do to make himself happy is hang with some friends of his in the compound. He and his friends would drink until they were so drunk they acted like looneys.

He also liked doing surgery. But for him making jokes and talking with the others made it more fun than just operating in silence. He would crack a joke once in awhile in the OR. He would basically just act goofy.

One day in the OR, Frank was just being his usual jackass self until Hawkeye needed to do something.

Hawkeye:"Nurse, pull down my mask."

Nurse:"Yes sir."

And after the nurse pulled down his mask  he stuck his tongue out at Frank. That was one of the funniest things he did in the OR.

Hawkeye is one of the funniest people in the whole  M*A*S*H unit. Besides BJ and Frank and Klinger of course. Oh Klinger, he is so weird but funny. He always entertains people with his outfits especially Hawkeye. He always compliments Klinger on his dresses.

There was one day when Hawkeye was walking and Klinger went by.

Hawkeye: "Hey Klinger, nice dress."

Klinger: "Oh thank you sir, I made it myself as you can see."

Hawkeye:"Well it looks lovely on a woman like you Klinger."

Klinger always finds away to get out of the army, and Hawkeye thinks the things Klinger does is entertaining to watch.  The way Hawkeye lives in the 4077th is like paradise to him. But he would still rather be home.  I guess he could say both the army and home can be paradise.

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