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Five years later

"Cassandra, baby please just hear me out okay?" Vincent my pathetic good for nothing excuse of a boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend now pleaded with me.

"Vincent I don't want to hear another damn thing from you alright? What I want from you however is for you to get your shit and get the hell out of my apartment!" I yelled at him.

"Baby, please just let me explain to you alright? I didn't sleep with her, I swear it. It was only a few innocent texts and I met up with her once for dinner" He pleaded "I didn't sleep with her, baby you know I wouldn't cheat on you. You know I love you, I don't even know what in the world convinced her to come all the way over here this evening. It's like she's totally obsessed with me, I only responded to her texts and joined her for dinner because I was afraid she might've become suicidal or something if I turned her down. Baby I'm sorry but it's not what you think"

"Alright, so you want to play stubborn and stick around here telling me lies after I just clearly told you more than once to get out of my apartment?" I said going to grab a baseball bat I had in a corner in the living room "Get out!"

"Cassandra, come on you're overreacting. Baby its not that serious... Alright, just put down the bat and I'll go... Cassandra! Stop... Hey, be careful how you swing that thing" Vincent backed away as I advanced on him with the bat.

"Since you want to do things the hard way, let's do it" I said nearing him with the bat as he backed away from me "I'm sick of your lies and your pathetic excuse. You're a grown ass man yet you couldn't keep your freaking job because you were busy screwing around on work hours. Do you think I'm stupid to believe you, you must've forget who I am. You want to screw bitches!? Well grab all your shit and get out now! Go to one of your bitches and let them take in your homeless broke ass because I'm done"

"Cassandra, baby please. Let's just talk this out, you don't mean what you just said. I know you're angry now but come on let's not make any rash decisions right now" the stubborn idiot in front of me tried pleading.

"Vincent, I said get out!" I throw the bat at his head only for him to duck just in time- the bat missing him by an inch and hitting the wall behind him.

"Seriously!? You could have hurt me with that thing. Cassandra, you need to calm down" Vincent said getting up from the ground.

"Oh my God, you're like a freaking annoying fly that won't go away! Alright, apparently I'm not angry and serious enough so let me get angry!" I stomped towards a safe I had in the passage right outside the living room and got a gun.

"Alright, alright! I'm going to get my things now and go. There is no need for you to get out a gun alright? Please, I'm going" Vincent hold up his hand as he edge cautiously in the direction of the bedroom.

"You have fifteen minutes Vincent"

This is what happens when you decided to date pathetic immature losers. Vincent and I have known each other since I started working at the FBI department in Atlanta two years ago. He was also working there and was really nice to me so we sort of hit it off since then. We've been dating for like a year and three months now and he has moved in with me. A couple months ago Vincent lost his job because of his careless behaviour. He was taking bribes, off the grid when he should be at work and messing up cases. I started suspected him creeping around with some girl whose recently graduated highschool- yes, a grown ass 26 year old man messing around with a teen while living in my apartment, eating my food and overall living off my earning. I don't know why I never really said anything about it at first, I guess I've been caught up in my own thing and also being a mentor at cleaners that I chose to ignore his actions. I didn't love him or anything so I guess I just sort of decided to ignore everything. I was an undercover Cleaners Assassin disguised as a FBI agent, I figured being with Vincent would be a good cover letter to everyone else who sees us. It certainly worked, no one except those who were also Cleaner's agents knew about me, not even Vincent knew the real deal even though I know he was scared of me.

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