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THE sweet scent of roses filled Anastasia's head as she stepped into her well lit home. It was rather dark-and cold-she had been busy delivering a pie to the Gillis's. She smiled at her mother, removing her coat and hat, placing them on the hooks displayed by the door. 

"Anastasia, dear, could you please set the table. For three, please." Anastasia raised an eyebrow, turning around rather quickly.

"Mother, there is only two of us. There is no need for three-" Anastasia was cut off by a gasp escaping her own mouth. Her brother had just walked down the stairs, a face she expected to never see ever again.

"Hello, Ana." Anastasia giggled, running over to her brother and wrapping her arms around him. He laughed into her hair, breathing in the scent. She pulled apart, squealing and jumping up and down a bit. She sighed, her eyes trained on his face.

"I thought I would never see you again, Jack!" She exclaimed, walking into the kitchen. She grabbed the plates, forks, and knives from the counter. She was smiling very wide as she set them down, he mother setting the pie, bread, and roast beef down on the table.

"Jack, darling, please sit down. I've made a special dinner tonight." Her mother sighed, smiling down at her two children. Jack sat down across from Anastasia so they could talk about the wonders of Europe.

The night ended wonderfully, the three of them full, their minds happy, and set on the next day full of adventures and new ideas.


GILBERT smiled at the familiar curly hair of Anastasia. He ran up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She screams d a bit, turning around and sighing in relief. he looked rather confused but noticed the smile plastered on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" he questioned, staring at the girl. And she giggled, spinning around while walking. He looked rather confused as to why the girl was acting like this, she was never really a morning person.

"Jack came back! I mean, I never suspected him to come back, he said he was going to be gone for a very long time. Oh, this is such a wonderful time." She exclaimed, her hands rubbing over the lace at the end of her sleeves.

"That is very nice, Anastasia." he smiled down at her, his messy brown hair blowing softly in the wind. She giggled, a jumping up the stairs leading to the doors of the school. She opened them quickly, placing her things down on her hook messily, and running over to her seat next to Ruby. She was very excited to tell her what had happened.

"Ruby, I would like to inform you that Jack came home." Ruby's eyes widened, and she gasped, placing a hand over her mouth as she stared at her. Anastasia smiled at the back of the red-haired girls head that sat in front of her. She turned her head, noticing Gilbert staring at her. She smiled ever so slightly, turning her head to the front of the room.


ANASTASIA'S classmates were screaming and laughing as the spelling bee was in action. But she was staring down at her desk, feeling a bit sad. She didn't know why the glances Anne and Gilbert shared while they were standing at the front of the room affected her so much, but she did not like it.

She found herself tracing shapes and letters on the desk, her mind racing. She felt a wave of panic pass through her body as she thought of things that could happen to her brother while he was away. She hated moments like this, where her mind was scattered, and she could only focus on the horrible thoughts, not the lovely ones.

  She glanced up, noticing a small smile plastered on Anne's face, Gilbert smiling at her. He quickly glanced at Anastasia, but she turned away, feeling a strong wave of anger wash over her body. Her fingers clenched as she stared at the board intently, not daring or look at Gilbert who she knew was staring at her.

  She felt something hit her head, she turned to look at it as it tumbled to the ground. A small piece of chalk supposedly one of the boys. She glared at Gilbert who was slightly out of his seat at looking at her rather confused. She scowled, turning her head bald to the board.


  SCHOOL ended, after what seemed like an eternity. Anastasia shot up from her seat. She moved to the front room, plucking her coat from the hanger and placing it around her. She sighed, opening the door and quickly walking outside. She felt Gilbert walking behind her, so she quickened her pace, staring off into the fields.

  "Anastasia-hey! Listen to me!" She heard Gilbert yell, another scowl pulling its way into her face. She quickened her pace again to a slow run, hearing Gilbert's footsteps quickening along with hers.

  "Anastasia, what is wrong with you." He yelled, causing her to stop. She let out deep breaths, feeling him step behind her. She just couldn't calm down, she had absolutely no reason to be angry, it just was overcoming her.

  "There is nothing wrong with me. How dare you say that." She screamed, pushing him away. He sighed, grabbing ahold of her arm as she tried to run away.

  "I didn't mean it like that, Ana. Something is bothering you, please tell me." He whispered to her, not wanting her to cry. Her jaw was quivering ever so slightly, and her eyes were blinking rather fast.

  "You seem to have a crush on Anne, a girl you met not that long ago. You've been too busy with other girls to notice I have had a crush on you for years!" She seethed. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had done, a hand finding its way up to her mouth. Her face was tinged a light pink, and her eyes were laced with tears, her embarrassment getting the best of her.

  "Ana I-I didn't know I'm so sorry." He spoke softly. Her face visibly paled, and her breathing hitched. He noticed this, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. He grabbed her shoulder to steady her shaking body, a tear rolling down her cheeks.

  "I-I'm sorry Gil-Gilbert. I'm an h-horrible friend." She stuttered out, not daring to meet his gaze. She felt as if she was dying like her heart was stopping. Her vision tinged black at the edges, and her knees gave up from under her. She gripped onto his arms.

  "Hey, hey it's okay. You're fine, you're an excellent friend." Anastasia stopped crying, but the feeling of dying did not. She sat against him, her breaths short and quickened. He placed a hand of her back, not knowing what to do.

  After a while, she felt a bit better, and she was able to stand and continue walking home. Her face was still torn stained, and a light shade of red. Almost the color of the girl's hair who had watched the entire thing. Anne felt sympathy for the girl, but a pang of sadness as she heard Anastasia confess her love for Gilbert.


Haha, look who decided to update! Anywho, this was dramatic af, I know, I know. But I love drama ;)


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