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  ANASTASIA sat impatiently as the other girls conversed about something she really didn't care for. Not listening to them, she thought about her conversation with Jack. 

  "I made a terrible mistake today, Jack." Anastasia sighed as she sat down at the table, her hand finding it's way to her spoon. She picked it up distastefully, scooping some of her oats in it.

  "Well, whatever did you do?" Jack asked, placing his spoon down in his bowl, staring at his sister who's face was flushed red from the heat of the fire.

  "I confessed my feelings to the boy I liked in the most awkward way. I yelled at him, I'm surprised no one heard." She groaned, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

  "If you don't mind me asking, who might this lucky boy be?" Anastasias face paled a bit, knowing Jack was friends with Gilbert as well.

  "G-Gilbert?" It came out more of a question. Jack erupted in laughter, causing all the color drain back into her face. Just a bit too much, the color of her face resembling a cherry.

  "Gilbert, as in Gilbert Blythe?"  Anastasia smiled, glancing up at her brother, "Oh, I will enjoy taunting you about this."

  Anastasia rolled her eyes, smiling into her cup of tea. Her eyes wandered the window. The bright stars sparkling like diamonds in the sky. She smiled, taking a deep breath, smiling at her dark haired brother.

  "Did you get yours yet, Anastasia?" Josie questioned. Anastasia broke out of her daze, raising an eyebrow slightly.

  "I beg your pardon?" Anastasia said, earning a giggle from Josie.

"Have you got, your, you know, women cycle?" Anne asked. Anastasia nodded, staring down at the bread in her hand.

  "Yes, two years ago." She nodded, and Ruby gasped.

  "two years?

  "Yes, Ruby. I'm two years older than all of you. I can't believe you all forgot." Anastasia scoffed as they all stood up, ready to continue with class.


  "WHICH districts comprise the prairies? Gilbert?" Mr phillips questioned. Gilbert clumsily got out of his seat, standing straight. He glanced at Anastasia, who kept her eyes trained on him. She smiled at him as he looked at the main the front of the room.

  "The districts of Athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Assiniboia," Gilbert answered. She heard Josie and Ruby whisper to each other. She glanced at them, raising an eyebrow.

  "That is a clever student," the class was filled with whispers, and Mr.Phillips glanced around the room, "Anne, which provinces comprise the Atlantic Maritimes?" Anne stood up slowly, the lack of noise causing Anastasia to drift off into her own thoughts.


  ANASTASIA groaned as class ended, slowly getting out of her seat, rubbing her eyes as she followed the other students. She smiled, noticing Gilbert talking to Diana and Anne.

  "New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI, Nice Boys-" Gilbert was cut off by a rather angry Anne.

  "Diana, could you please tell Gilbert Blythe that I don't need his help?" Anne scoffed, putting on her coat.

  "Why don't you just tell me yourself? I'm right here." Gilbert asked.

  "I suppose I just did." Anastasia shook her head, wrapping her coat around her body.

  "Wow." She muttered, letting out a small laugh.

  "Mnemonics is spelled with an m." Anastasia placed a hand on his arm, causing him to look at her.

  "She said she doesn't need your help." Gilbert nodded, smiling at her.

  "Have a good weekend." Gilbert chuckled, Diana nodded, Smiling at Gilbert. he looks her up and down before walking out the door. Anastasia rolled her eyes, walking out after him.

  "You, Gilbert Blythe, are  a flirt." Anastasia declared, smiling at her comment.

  "I am not. You're lying." he mocked her, and Anastasia snorted, covering her mouth.

  "you have a crush on Anne, and Diana, and Ruby-"

  "I only have a crush on one person. And she's beautiful, and loves reading, and always blanks out, and stutters every once in a while, and says she isn't perfect, but I know she is."

  Anastasia looked at him, confusion passing over her face. He smiled at, walking away from Anastasia. She was too shocked to move as she tried to register what had happened.


Clicheeee. Anywho, there's probably 2939923 spelling errors, and this is really short, I have zero motivation, but I wanted to post because I felt bad for not posting in such a long time!! Love ya :) 


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