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Play the song while she's in the shower. This is my favorite song right now :) let it be yours too.

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"Come on."


"Why not?"

"Because I don't wanna." I whined over the phone.

Madison was desperately trying to get me to go shopping with her for homecoming dresses. It was Saturday and I just wanted to lay in my bed and watch more Netflix shows.

"Dude, it's better to do it now than to later, girls will be murdering other bitches to get their hands on a dress." She said.

"I don't even want to go." I whined.

"Chase I don't have time to deal with other bitches shenanigans, it's enough I have to deal with yours."

"Eat shit, just for that I'm definitely not going."

"Bitch you're going, Sebastían is your date."

"Ok and?"

She scoffed. "You're going with the guy that you've been drooling over since he's been here. Chase you may not admit because of your past, but you like him."


"Shut up, I know you do. You can't hide your feelings from me Chase Miller. I know you better than you know yourself. Now get the hell up, shower and I'll be there in 20 minutes."

She hung up before I could protest.

I don't like him. I don't. He's just another close guy to me, that I enjoy having around. Anyone could see that. I don't want to be with anyone, I can't go through something like the past again. For years I've been building back up my esteem. My confidence. I didn't build it back up just to let it be broken down again.

Sebastían could have any girl he wants. He could have way more prettier women than me. That's I why I don't try, even if I did.

I sighed, getting up from bed. It was 12:35 and my 20 minutes were running out. I got my speaker and ran into the shower. I turned on Moving Mountains, by Syd. The music mingled with the sound of the droplets hitting the ceramic tub. I washed myself while singing the lyrics to the song.

"You don't appreciate a thing, babe..got me out here lookin' crazy."

Once I was done, I got the shower and ran into my room, my time was almost up. I put on deodorant and lotion and my favorite body spray. I brushed my teeth, and after that I went into my closet to look for something. It was supposed to be around sixty-five degrees today. I picked out a cropped navy blue and white stripped long-sleeved shirt, black high-waisted ripped jeans and some black ankle ugg boots. I grabbed my black bomber and headed into the living room.

"It's funny how you just keep tryin' to walk out without telling me where you're going." She said still looking at TV. She's watching old re-runs of Power.

"Madison wants to go dress shopping for Homecoming?"

She started to cackle. "You're going to homecoming?" She said while trying to sober up. Even my mother knew I was a introvert. I don't do this kind of shit.

I sighed. "It wasn't my idea, it was hers. Can I go now?" I grumbled.

She got up from the couch and looked at me. She walked towards me and grabbed my hands. "Well I'm glad you're doing something different." She went into her pocket and grabbed two twenty dollar bills. "Some extra money for the dress. Send me pictures." She winked. I couldn't help but smile at her.

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